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Hidden Truth behind Revolutionary Immune Booster Products Claiming to Boost Lifetime Immunity

Immunity Boosters Are Scams. What Actually Boost Your Immunity?

Background of Immune Boosters

Ever since the current pandemic broke out, several brands came up with Immunity Booster products.

Fabric, furniture, biscuit, drinks, wellness products, lifestyle products, sunglasses, lotions, and literally everything consumers used came with a high-priced “immunity booster” variant with 99.99% protection.

There are immunity boosters in diabetes, immunity boosters in pregnancy, immunity boosters, immune booster tea bags, immune booster coffee, immune booster hot tub bath, from immune booster honey to immune booster cinnamon, the immune booster market has captured the imagination of people, and people are crazily buying these products.

Not only these products but there are products that claim to boost your immunity for your lifetime.

Boosting Immunity means

1) Boosting Antibodies by B-cells
2) Boosting T-cell memory.
3) Protecting against germs/bacterias

2) is not possible, as the programmer Thymus vanishes in everyone after 10 years. 1) Is not possible as Lymph nodes decide when to unleash Antibodies. Too many antibodies cause Autoimmunity.

3) Body’s good bacteria (the body has 90% bacterial and only 10% human genes) drive foreign bodies away. A suit can’t increase Bacterias, nor can a biscuit, curd does.

How to Actually Boost Your Immunity for Lifetime?

We also plotted data on the immunity of the post and Pre-COVID era. You can see that overall density in the immunity spectrum hasn’t changed much. What changed is happiness.

Lyfas Epidemiological Study of Happiness vs Immunity study
Lyfas Epidemiological Study of Happiness vs Immunity study

The Medical Science of Measuring Happiness and Stress

Heart rate variability(HRV)​5​is a psychophysiological medical test. HRV provides a snapshot of the Autonomic Nervous System. Autonomic Nervous System is one of the major branches of the nervous system, that connects all our organs and maintains homeostasis(balance).

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Autonomic Nervous System with Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Branches

Major organ functionalities of our body are in homeostasis and are managed by the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system has two branches, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system is your flight and fight response. When your body perceives a threat or fear, the sympathetic system is active. It increases your heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature.

Then, the body gets back to rest. The parasympathetic system or the vagal tone modulates this.

So, the following are the primary roles of the two branches of the nervous system:-

Sympathetic Nervous System

  1. Arrange for food(walk, work)
  2. Save you from fear and threat

Parasympathetic Nervous System

  1. Digestion & Excretion.
  2. Reproduction
  3. Healing

When we are happy, the body is more balanced between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. When we are sad, or are anxious, or stressed, the autonomic nervous system is under the dominance of the sympathetic nervous system. By measuring this sympathetic and parasympathetic system, the heart rate variability test measures happiness​1​. Stress on the other hand is excess work of the sympathetic nervous system.

Lyfas Provides Clinically Proven Heart Rate Variability from Mobile Application

See, how easily, without any blood, or without putting any sensor in your chest, you can take Lyfas Medical HRV Test. I know, you may be wondering about the accuracy, and efficacy of the test. I highly recommend you to study the clinical validation peer-reviewed publications

Why does Stress Compromise Your Immunity and Happiness Increase?

  1. When you are under stress, the body releases Stress hormones such as Cortisol and Adreline.
  2. From the Autonomic Nervous System explanation, we now know that when body is trying to save you from perceived fear, or real threat, the sympathetic nervous system is active, and parasympathetic nervous system is low. Hence the immunity activity of the body is lowered(body prioritize to save you from the immidiate threat, and then it would take care of the virus and bacterias inside body).
  3. Ideally, when you sleep, take good rest, become happy, your parasympathetic system becomes active, and improve your immunity.
  4. When you are under stress for a very long period of time, body’s parasympathetic system remains inpaired and sympathetic system remains active. Therefore your immunity system also remains inactive.
  5. Stress and Happiness are two opossite sides of the coin and are negatively correlated. When you are happy, stress is lower. When you are under stress for long, you will become unhappy.
  6. When you are unhappy, your body’s healing and defense abilities will be significantly impaired.

Overall society has become more unhappy than in the time before the Pandemic.

So, if you want to really stay away from the slap of the pandemic, don’t aim to boost immunity(there are no such things), just remain happy.

  1. 1.
    Shi H, Yang L, Zhao L, et al. Differences of Heart Rate Variability Between Happiness and Sadness Emotion States: A Pilot Study. J Med Biol Eng. Published online June 5, 2017:527-539. doi:10.1007/s40846-017-0238-0

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