Table of Contents
A. The Healthcare Commission System
1. Pharma Dalal:- You sell ₹5,00,000 in medicine and we will sponsor your Thailand ticket.
2. Pharma Distributor Dalal:- 25% discount on medicine sold.
3. Pharmacy Shop: We will pay the rent of the clinic and the salary of a nurse.
4. Hospital Dalal:– You refer one patient to us. As soon as the patient registers, we will send you ₹750.
5. Pathlab Dalal: You refer a lab test to us, for ₹300 test, we will charge ₹500 to patients and will send you ₹200.
7. Surgery Dallas: If you refer a patient to us, we will pass on 25% of the surgery amount to you. (A surgery is minimum ₹1,00,000, so it is ₹25,000) per referral.
B. The Economy for Doctors
i) In an OPD, a doctor gets about ₹250(in suburban areas), and in urban areas ₹1000.
ii) An average doctor gets 5 patients a day.
iii) Popular doctors get 200 patients/per day.
iv) Others suffer even to make a basic livelihood, and MDs get paid ₹60k for 28 days of work a month for 12 hours each day.
v) Average for 30,000 doctors in India who run small clinics, and the number is 15 maximum patients a day in OPD at an average ₹200, that is ₹3k a day, or ₹90k pm. One assistant at a salary of ₹15,000, and Rent+Electricity=₹10k, that is ₹65k pm. That is an MD’s salary in most 2-50 bed mid-hospitals.
(Sabjiwalas earn more than this.)
vi) If a doctor is in 2 minutes see a patient and can write 3 medicines worth ₹500, + one lab test worth ₹500, he makes ₹375 for just prescription writing. So, for the same 15 patients, he now earns ₹575 x 15=₹8,625.
vii) 10% of patients need hospital referral. So 45x₹750=₹33,750 extra.
viii) Out of these 45 patients referred, at least 5% of patients will be put through fear to operate(whatever that is). So 3 potential surgeries, and ₹1L extra.
ix) Net Income? (8625*30+100000+33750)=₹3,92,500 per month.
x) Total Medical Education fees today? ₹4 Cr. So, 1% Monthly return on investment=Not bad! + Daru+Thailand+Maja=Not at all bad!
C. Economy of Healthcare Dalals
We have already seen the healthcare commission system in section (A). Now let us see the economy around the section. An economy is an entire system of money rotation built around financial exchanges and the overall volume of the financial exchange.
i) Pharma Dalal Economy:- 100 doctor coverage, 20 of them meeting ₹5L target. Rest 80 gives ₹1L average annual sales. ₹27L annual earnings.
ii) Hospital Dalal Economy: 100 doctors x 45 reference a month=>30% conversion=>1350 patients. Average patient acquisition cost for hospitals = ₹4200/patient= ₹56,70,000. Dalla commission=33%. Does the Hospital Dalla make? ₹18Lakh a month. Gives out ₹10Lakh to doctors. Net income? ₹8 Lakh per month.
iii) Surgery Dalal Economy:– Out of these 1350 patients, 5% conversion=>68 patients for surgery at ₹1Lakh average=>₹68 Lakh. After giving 20% out of 33% to doctors, at 13% earning=₹8.84 Lakh/pm.
C. Net Worth of the Healthcare Brothel Industry
1 Month= 45,000 patients X ₹200+15,000 Patients in hospital x ₹10k+3000 Surgeries x ₹1L=₹45.9 crore.
💡Net healthcare black money? ₹15 crore/per month/(100 doctor cluster).
D. Conclusion
If pigs were good house cleaners, foxes were good security guards, Prostitutes provided intimacy, then healthcare will absolutely provide good health!
At least 50 lakh freedom fighters have laid their lives for us to breathe in free air today. To hand over the country in platters to Dallas? So that cheap useless criminals turn this country into a Randi khana?
For centuries men have taught and women have healed, not to make money but as a social responsibility. Because society is an integrated entity and what you get out of life is always equivalent to what society gets out of you.
When you turn society into a money squeezing black money dalla economy, you are part of that. The way you will suffer is your children too will end up in the hands of other dalals, like education Dalal, job dalla.
When Dalali makes you money, why work hard? When the livelihood of the doctors depends upon Dallas and Dallas runs the syndicate, how on earth can a doctor with real skills, intellect, and intent serve the patients? What interest does anyone with a genuine ability to save a life have in the Paro-Perk?
That is why I take pride in running Acculi Labs Pvt Ltd, a healthcare company with anti-commission.