Recently the internet is going ga-ga over 5-laws of success. These laws are being shared across social platforms. Internet information is increasingly becoming dubious and misleading. Are the 5 laws of success that are being circulated on the internet accurate?
Table of Contents
A. Context
The Newly discovered success mantras, the next big thing to Newton’s three laws are:
1. Murphy’s law
The more you fear something, the more it will happen.
2. Kidlin’s law
If you can write down the problem clearly, it is half solved.
3. Gilbert’s law
The biggest problem at work is that none tells you what to do.
4. Walson’s law
If you keep putting information and intelligence first at all times, money keeps coming in.
5. Falkland’s law
If you don’t have to make a decision, don’t make a decision.
B. Reality of the internet’s 5 laws of success
1) Murphy’s Law(So called)
Edward Murphy was a US engineer who was entrusted with the measurement of G-force on zero gravity simulation where flights decelerated rapidly from height. Murphy blamed it on his assistance and is known as an EXCUSIONIST, he quoted a Mathematical problem from 1866 by De Morgan of “one that is to go wrong will go wrong.”
“Murphy’s law” is essentially a recorded excuse.
2. Kidlin’s Law
i) There is no thinker, or philosopher in history, by the name of Kidlin. That is because Kidlin is slang used to refer to a Grownup person who acts like a kid(like many Social Media HR thought leaders).
ii) The law.
A day before dispatching the salary to a “Senior Manager” who lives by Kidlin’s Law:
i) “I have to give ₹50k salary to the thought leader.”
ii) “I have to arrange ₹50k and put it in the company’s account and then dispatch the salary”
Now the problem is half solved. Give the senior thought leader ₹25k.
3. Gilbert’s Law
i) Robert Gilbert was a Mathematician who modeled Organizational behaviors and management theories mathematically.
ii) Gilbert’s only noteworthy contribution or law is ” the proportional rate of growth of a firm is independent of its absolute size.”
Imagine hiring a Gunman security for the job, making a senior thought leader manager stand before him giving gyaan, and telling him “You can do anything you wish.”
4. Walson’s Rule
i) There is no mathematician, philosopher, author, or entrepreneur by the name of Walson.
ii) If Walson was actually “Wilson” then
a) Nobel Laureate Robert Butler Wilson presented Wilson’s Doctrine
“institutional designs to be detail-free.”
Information and intelligence overload killed Germans in WWII and lead to American disaster in Vietnam(McNamara fallacy), Roman Empire, and Softbank!
Terence Tao is the highest IQ(Intelligent), is a professor, and salary not money keeps coming to him.
5. Falkland’s law
i) Of course, there is no Falkland.
ii) Brain makes decisions, every microsecond, from hormone levels to breathing rate. One with Epilepsy and Panic attack history, or anxiety disorder only can avoid deciding.
iii) More people today live by feelings, fear of judgment, and anxiety skyrocketing, decision paralysis is all-time high.
So this is a validity to indecisiveness.
D. Rupam’s Law of Success
Success ∝1/Anxiety
Only a stupid feel intelligent by information from the internet.
C. If this is the level of misinformation, how to rely on internet?
1. In the book we read. Reading brings information to the brain.
2. Brain can not use information till it is relevant and till it has a challenge in meeting three biological needs survival, thriving, or reproducing.
3. For example, in childhood, we all studied Newton’s laws, Harappa Civilization, Evolution, Ohm’s Law, etc. Do you remember any incidence in life where Harappa’s knowledge has been useful for you to solve a real-life problem?
4. Books help structure the brain and help the brain to develop a pattern to read, analyze, memorize, and theorize a problem. But there has to be a problem to start with.
5. So for example, you want to learn valuation as a specialization after CA.
6. No matter how many courses you do, books, and case studies you read, you will know what valuation is but your brain will not create any model that will help you to become a good evaluator.
7. Now say you create a company, and grow the company, then are in need to value the company. At this moment when you take up learning valuation, books, and knowledge will guide you.
8. Learning will still be on the ground. For instance, cash flow, Assets, market size, competitive landscape, market trend, etc as it is your need.
D. Conclusion
The reason why jobs are being cleaned off in bulk is due to exact same trend of:
1) Increasing number of insecure indecisive lazy excuse mongers and “self-proclaimed” thinkers rather than doers.
2) Your thought process, thoughts, and ideology get validation when you build a mission around a vision, and take the mission to its logical conclusion.
3) No complex problem can be well defined, and if any problem can be defined on paper, and solved, then that is not a problem, by the definition of a problem. Only obstacles, challenges, and short-term opportunities can be written down in structured ways. It took 40 years for Einstein to define E=mc^2.
4) The only teacher is life. One learns only from life. Books help to model learning well to pass down to the next generation. Books, philosophy, and science can neither help anyone to learn anything, nor execute(because neural network works on relevance, and hunger and death-threat are top relevant for neural connectivity), not information.
Work hard. Take up problems. Don’t worry about knowing them. You learn, define, and solve bits and pieces. Take one subject, learn deeply, learn through experiments and life’s experience, and document.