Solve a Big Problem.
Sam Altman School of Intelligents
Be Obsessed with a Problem
A. No Problem is a “Big Problem,” Problems are always personal and small
1. A problem is one that to a brain is a roadblock to survive, thrive, or reproduce.
2. Once the brain solves these problems, one wishes and desires to do more, which are pleasure, do more for society, find meaning in life, and so on.
3. For example, a) I do not know where our today’s revenue will come from, and whether I can feed my family tomorrow. That is a problem. But suppose, we had enough profit and no worries of the family, b) I would be thinking “How to ensure the same for our 139 investors.” b) is a desire, not a problem.
4. If a problem is big, a majority won’t be able to survive, and the world will see depopulation.
Let’s say infant death is a big problem. Almost 6% of infants die in India before the age of 5. This is just the statistics. When a parent lost their child, it is their pain, their problem. These statistics may make you feel sad, but the audacity of grief a child’s loss brings to the parent is unparallel.
Infancy death has reasons varying from mother’s anxiety, parent’s immunity, parental intimacy, social environment, family turmoils, childhood trauma of the parents, conflicts, challenges(such as livelihood), environmental stress(such as news), hormonal imbalance, nutrition, lack of senior females around the mother and so on. The variables are infinitesimal, and thus it has remained a problem.
Each of the above dynamics is intertwined, and thus solving one doesn’t solve the problem of infant death.
You can solve one problem of some, or some subsets of problems for many, many subsets of problems for one, but you can not solve one problem for many.
5. If a large problem can be solved by one entity, then that was never a problem at the first place. For example, in Athens, around 450 BCE, estimated intellect was 2-5%.
Romans were crazy documenters, and they estimate the intellectuality rate of the society at 5%, After two decades of Google also, the rate has remained the same.
So, Google archived information, but the ease of information doesn’t eliminate stupidity.
Make Perfect Systems and Processes, Automate Them and Monopolize the Businesses
Peter Theil
B. 100% Equilibrium is Death, and so 100% Perfection is Death, and Because Machines Can’t produce Anything that is Randomly imperfect by 10%, anything produced by machines will eventually cause death. Because only machines can scale production, and scaling is your thesis, you are promoting death.
Let me start with some of the examples of scaled solutions.
–Test-tube Babies(IVF):– Significantly reduces reproductive genes in two generations.
–Genetically Modified Seeds:– The seeds of the fruits can’t be used for replantation after 3 generations.
–Packaged Food: America already is dealing with packaged food issues.
– Food Chain: No cardiac patient can survive without a partner’s hand-made cooked food, and by consuming McD’s perfect meal.
–Mobiles: cause insulin resistance and insomnia.
–Computer: has led to excess scrap, which has eliminated flora and fona in the electronic dump yards.
–Packaged drinking water: becomes high in glucose on exposure to the sun, and then the glycolate water in touch with plastic becomes toxic, with non-breakable hydrocarbon bonds.
-Refrigerator: kills the vegetable microbiome and so leads to fatigue through gut dysbiosis.
-Air conditioning: puts fungal infection straight into the lungs, causing heart failure and pulmonary hypertension.
–Cars: causes more death than human stupidity
Does that mean that everything we use today is a farce?
Very much everything. None of the above solves food, water, shelter, cloth, relationships, brain growth, higher age, slower aging, more wisdom, more knowledge, and better societies.
That doesn’t mean that one must not have it, and it also doesn’t mean that one who doesn’t have them dies. For instance, only 15% of Indian families use cars, and less than 20% of Indian students have computers. Indian population is proof that car is not needed, and increased stupidity is proof that computers are not needed.
Anything produced by machines will accelerate death, because of the law that death itself is perfection.
One can produce great visuals in Photoshop and Canva. Try to feel the emotions to them the way you feel emotions to a Child’s imperfect drawing. Spotify brings the world of music to your pocket, and try to get healed as much when your lady sings for you in the evening.
Monopoly is Anti-social, and anything anti-social is sociopathy, anything sociopathy proposes is anti-life
Let me cane you and your clan for the sociopathy of Monopoly first. Monopoly is a corporate orgasm of age-old desires of the Tyrants to rule the world.
- Alexander was convinced that the world should be governed by Macedonians. A 32-year-old glorified sociopath who killed his father, and then killed his best friends in rage was finally buried alive. Before death though when he was asked “Who should rule your kingdom(the world), he said “The one who deserves the more,” leading to a 50-year-long war that ended almost entire Greek supremacy from history. That is what happens when kids are taken seriously.
- Hitler wanted a monopoly on the German race and nothing else. We know the end.
- Church has tried to force Christianity down the throat of humans as the only religion. We know its status today.
Humans are social animals. Our survival depends not on the resources we have but on the resources that our society has and its strength. If there is a dead rat in your neighborhood, every home gets affected. Whenever there was a plague, it eliminated all from the riches to the poor. Wars did not spare the richest people in history.
It is also now a known fact that one is an average of the 5 people he/she is surrounded by. A thief is always accompanied by thieves, intellects by intellects, and inmates by inmates. Poor live in a constricted place as a group, and rich go away in a posh neighborhood to live in the vicinity of other rich people.
When the VCs inspired by you and your clan teach youth that all the books must belong to Amazon, all the information to Google and all the small shops must be closed for Blinkit, all the restaurants must have their customers through Zomato, everyone must communicate through Facebook and Whatsapp, everyone must get trained in Udamy, everyone must earn through Fiverr, everyone must learn through Youtube, and they are the only riches, and not the small shops, honest teachers, wise writers, intellectual thinkers, then only sociopaths would fall into such sociopathy.
It is your country’s data Sam that says the crime rate increases wherever unemployment increases, and guns in the schools increase whenever sociopathy increases.
Scale Fast
Stupid VCs with Acalculacia
C. The More You Scale Towards Infinity, the more you move toward Zero
Ramanujan’s Sum(Infity is nothing but zero)
1 + 2 + 3 + ⋯ + ∞ = -1/12
1 + 2 + 3 + ⋯ + ∞ = -0.08333333333
This is the fundamental equation, that has changed quantum physics and modern science. Therefore the more customers one acquires, or the more a technology is adopted by a customer, it moves towards -0.083.
Your entire venture capital industry is based on an anti-mathematical model, that simply kills a company and the solution by scaling.
Modern Age is the Information Age, Data is the new Fuel, Information is the Power
Sillicon Valley Gyan
D. Humanity Survived on Knowledge, not Information, and Knowledge that was to be passed on has always been passed on
Let’s assume that not having a computer was really a problem.
– I wrote 14 letters a week for 15 years, since 1998. These were to friends, relatives, students, teachers, and schools.
-Einstein, Right Brothers, Vinci, Michelangelo, and Newton existed before computers.
-Einstein and Bose collaborated before the computer era.
-All the Cosmic and Astronomical events(including tides, and monsoon) have been estimated accurately in India without a computer for ages and is published as “Panjika.” No Satellites were(are) needed.
-5000 years back, India, China, Uzbek, and Kazak did business through Silk Road, a Global Business network that ran without any computers for 2000 years.
-Between 1700 BCE to 1172 BCE, Crate, Mari, Ur, Elam, Egypt, Persia, Sudan, and Afghanistan, ran the Bronze network that drove the bronze age. A multi-continental manufacturing, production, distribution, invention, and trade network, without any computers.
-Mari Metallurgy, Canite Mining, Sudan Antibiotics, Egyptian engineering, Greek Intellectuality, Akkadian War Communication, Indian Mathematics, Chinese Innovations(Dam, Paper, Currency, Clock), Germanic Medicines, Celt’s salt technology, Babylonian Music, everything that is being used today is pre-computer era.
So, the human race survived before computers, and no one died due to lack of information access, and our ancestors ensured that the knowledge that is to be passed to the next generation is passed without anomaly.
Now in the computer and Google era, try to find the first Apple-I prototype circuit, test document, and engineering thesis.
On the other hand, you can not recover a single architectural document of any of the ancient monuments, be it Indian temples, Roman Colosseum, or Pyramids. That is because masons, our ancestors did not want us to stay busy in making big constructions.
Information is Propaganda, Information Kills
- Before Vietnam War, Mcnamara, the then defense secretary collected every bit of data possible, from enemy to weather to Geography, ran simulations, and predicted a 70-day victory of the US. This is called the Mcnamara fallacy. Do I even need to educate you on the results of that war Sam?
- Hitler ran the biggest information propaganda in history, which eventually led to Germany’s defeat, as the Allied forces intercepted the information and introduced anomalies.
- Flynn Effect is a standard for measurement of intelligence, that takes into account crystallized intelligence(knowledge) and Fluid intelligence(application). Even though average intelligence has been increasing steadily over the years(Flynn), fluid intelligence is stiffly decreasing.

So it is clear, that knowledge is the only skill that stays with life, and due to information overload cognitive abilities stiffly decline after the age of 30 under information overload.
The more one ages, life challenges increase(for example divorce rate in the US is highest in the age group 35-40), and that is when one has to apply intelligence to solve problems. Recall that Problems threaten life. So the information age is eliminating people’s survival possibilities and good life.
Considering the fact that in most households in Urban setups, a child is supported by parents till the age of 22, the increased IQ is essentially due to parents(wisdom), and the moment the youth starts a life of their own, their ability to solve problem decrease.
This again reiterates that current age is not an age of information, but information fueled stupidity
Make something that people want. Make life easier!
Y-Combinator Gyaanis
E. Anything that is easy or makes life easy is less valuable for the brain, and therefore anything that claims to make people’s life easy by definition is low value.
Devolution of Brain
The human brain and society evolved because we are a weak species. We do not have venom like snakes, hunting abilities like tigers, strength like Bisons, flight like eagles, life expectancy like turtles, speed like horses, storage like camels, reflex-like monkeys, aggression like Chimpanzees.
Evolutionary data reveals that human brain development peaked 1.2 million years back to about 70,000 years. The y-Adam gene is traced to about 70,000 BCE. After 40KBCE, the brain developed faster(after Neanderthals were dead). However, in the last 5000 years alone brain mass has reduced to about 20%. This is since modern civilization started.
So anything that is valuable will not be easy, and anything that is easy will not be valuable. And for the survival of the species, anything that is not valuable will be gone, just like our tail.
This theory is further confirmed by the Universe-25 experiment on mice. This is the same species on which all the clinical treatments and diagnosis is tested. The more food is made easy, the mice societies depopulate, as they lose interest in reproduction.
Because Survive, Thrive and Reproduction are three interlinked inseparable aspects of any life, as reproduction reduces, so does survival.
One of the proofs is India. Before 1980, India’s per female reproductivity was 5.0, which after the computer age has come down to 2.2, and will fall below the critical threshold of 2. Japan where technological excellence started after WW II is already depopulating, and so are several European countries.
As the startups, the very scam you represent and promote claims to make people’s life easy, it is in fact the one that is eliminating the value of human life.
Examples of Startups That Proclaims to have Solved Problems, and Claim to be High-Valuation
i) Dropbox: which claims to store your data safely. In Gaya, India, almost 20 Crore Hindu family’s ancestorial data is maintained on paper. From the life of a person to his 14 predecessors. We have 3500 old Upanishada preserved. I have my class I Maths exercise book preserved, and my poetry diary is preserved for 35 years. No cost, no cloud!
Isn’t Vinci’s designs, Newton’s Thesis, and Shakespeare survived the test of time?
ii) Stripe: Ease of online payment
The Mari-based Bronze Age network, and India-China silk network, and the India-Iran trade network ran very much on trust for over 2000 years. India and Iran do business without any currency transaction after Iran has been banned by your country. When your country’s money itself is delinked to gold(which is limited in the world, and a standard for wealth), and when there is no trust itself on the very currency, then ease of payment itself is untrustworthy, and because it claims to ease the online transaction, the same by law becomes value-less.
iii) Coinbase: Cryptocurrency Exchange
In the South Mesopotamian port city Elam, bond exchanges were established way back in 4000 BCE. The coin was not invented until 600 BCE. Till then Harappans, Mesopotamians, Saudis, Egyptians, Lebanese, and Sudanese ran multi-country businesses till 1600 BCE just by exchanging sea shells. Credit and accounts were maintained for over 1000 years. Oncourse the sea-shell-based exchange was the hashed-crypto system.
After Cyrus the Great invented coin, all the ports ran currency exchanges. All the major trade networks always ran on hashed cryptosystems for ages. In India, the Marwari community maintains an Accounting called “Anamat Account.” Plain simple pocket diary, that has millions of dollars of credit, and payment details. To date, no agencies have been able to decode the anamat accounts.
Cryptocurrency is limited, but it is not linked to physical gold, as well as productivity. So scarcity is not the only parameter of a currency. And so cryptocurrency, itself has false worth.
iv) AirBnB:
In the Silk Route, the homestay was one of the most profitable businesses. People constructed extra rooms for the hospitality of the traders. The same was followed in Babylon, where trade was also linked to Pilgrimage and homestay.
For ages, foreigners have come to India and stayed in our homes, not necessarily for the exchange of money, but for more valuable entities such as emotions, knowledge, cultural exchange, and so on.
Subhash Bose, an Indian Freedom fighter stayed in Homestays in Nazi Germany, Austria, Afghanistan, and so on.
For ages, Indians have found acquittances living in other cities and have stayed with them(again not necessarily in exchange for money, but more valuable things like relationships, emotions etc).
Sam, If no one offered you a home to stay in India, you are unfortunate. If you were to use AirBnB then you are more unfortunate, and if you stayed in Hotel after coming to India, and did not wake up hearing the temple bell, Mosque Azan, chanting, Bird chirping, Hen’s morning Alarm, morning tea made by our mothers with tons of love, then you should look deeper into your life and find meaning.
So, if some of your top successes themselves are meaningless and just an eye-wash, then think about the rest of the startup scam.
We are from Silicon Valley, and So we are Pundits, You must listen to us, because we live in Fake Currency Called Dollars
Self-pronounced Pundits of Sillicon Valley
F. Final Wisdom: The brain doesn’t change its pattern, one is and will be what one was
No one changes
A thief always remains a thief, a cheater always a cheater, an intellect, always an intellect, a sportsman always a sportsman, and a stupid always a stupid.
If you and your clan did not do anything meaningful, and everything to devalue human life, that is exactly what you will continue to do.
Wisdom and Knowledge are not Linked to Literacy
When Britishers left India, the Indian literacy rate was 2%, and today it is about 70%(in some states like Kerala it is 100%). Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar wrote Barnaparichay, a book for starting Bengali Alphabet in 1855, and to date, it is the same book every Bengali child reads.
Even after such a massive increase in Literacy, no one has been able to better Tolstoy’s War and Peace, Tagore’s Songs Offering, Shakespeare. Jane Tylor wrote Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in 1800 AD, and even after 200 years of increased literacy, every child recites this as the first poem.
No one in history died for not being able to read a book and for not being able to write a letter. When the literacy rate in India was poor, Postmen went door to door to deliver letters, read out the letter for those who couldn’t read, and wrote their replies of them.
The way money(which is anyways fake) doesn’t make one rich, literacy doesn’t make one learned, and both together don’t prevent one from being stupid, the exact way not being able to write doesn’t make a wise less intelligent or intellect.
Paigamber Mohammed couldn’t read or write, and yet created the Quran that guides millions of lives. Socrates the father of modern Intellectuality did not write. Hindu temple Verses have been kept alive for centuries without writing and passed on to generation after generation through recitation. Plato himself has advised the masses against literacy and has profoundly said “The more one writes if he doesn’t need to, the dumber one will get.”
Because literacy itself is an eyewash and antithesis, and because the masses were, are, and always will be stupid, anything that is made out of their intellect will remain a bigger stupid. Because a stupid always wants others to follow him, and only the stupids fall for a stupid, and because you propose stupidity to be scaled(also like Nostradamus says that is a future), your actual intellectual state is self-diagnosable. Isn’t it?
Because a Problem by definition is one that threatens Survival, Thriving, and Reproduction, and thus presents a danger to life, and anything that doesn’t present a threat to life is merely a roadblock, so solving any problem needs an understanding of life! No one in history has understood life before the age of 50. So when a bunch of kids from silicon valley who haven’t yet learned to change their diapers claim to solve humanity’s biggest problems, what should that grandiose stupidity be called should be best left to the grandiosity itself.
History is wrong, Evolution is Wrong, All the great men like Plato, and Socrates are Wrong, Upanishada is wrong, Quran is Wrong, Harappans were wrong, Egyptians were wrong, data is wrong, facts are wrong, Mathematics is wrong, Social science is wrong. The only right are a bunch of Sociopath jokers like you and VCs eh?
So, Sam, fake money like a dollar, a degree, and living in a bubble of desires and wishes don’t make you anything other than a joker, and the AI is nothing more than a joker’s nose.
And finally recall that reproduction reduces as food is eased. Do something about yourself, Sam, because reproduction is linked to survival!