Table of Contents
Core Learning of All the Religions
In this article, we shall see how every religion has some fundamentals which point toward one simple thing :
“Work hard, take the pain, be honest, and accept and live life. As you continue the journey, you will experience God and understand Spirituality.”
However, as this journey of life that the religious text refers to is a journey of 10-20 years. And every religion refers to becoming helpful for society, people, and mankind first. Because life through hunger and pain eliminates most external objects and makes one force to look inward, and search for the deeper meaning of life, one becomes spiritual. However, this journey and process is hard. Hence people look for shortcuts and misrepresent religion to create a religious identity without fundamentally even knowing the meaning of life.
Islam has several sects like Shia, Sunni, Sufi, Hanafi, and so on with different Quranic interpretations, and Hadith.
However, no one can ever argue with one fundamental. How should one interpret Quran, if one is say not a scholar?
One has to just follow the life of Paigambar Mohammed and Follow his Life to become an Ideal Muslim.
1. Much before Hazrat Mohammed became Paigambar, he was called Al-Amin(faithful) and Al-Sadiq(truthful)
2. He started taking care of the family at the age of 9.
3. He traveled length and breadth from Mecca to Mari and was known and popular amongst traders of Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Turkey(of that time).
4. He was a go-to man for any conflict.
So, if one takes care of the family at a young age, travels for 20 years, becomes well-versed in different cultures, and resolves conflicts, one who is reliable, and who keeps promises, one starts his Islamic journey. But alas!
Forget all the Vedas and Upanishads. If there is one shloka that even an Illiterate can recite:
असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
Take me from lie to truth, take me from dark to light, take me from mortality to immortality.
So, when one reads this, one is in the dark and lies. You can’t read in the dark. So you can’t read this shloka. You are in a state of a lie, so you do not know what you know is a lie or not, including the shloka. You can’t be immortal, because you have not experienced death.
So, put yourself into the darkest part of life, in hunger, where you see no hope of light, experience fear of death, and learn and maneuver yourself out of that situation. If you have not put yourself into a situation where you are subjected to extreme rejection, hate, and envy of people, see no way out, and kiss death, your journey hasn’t started.
But no let’s read some books and internet articles and become Sanatani.
Judaism: (Old Testament)
“Be fruitful and multiply”.
Well, Babylon, where the first texts of the old testament are traced back to used an Octal number system, and no multiplication. They had only an addition. The key fruit of that era, and prior to that, was dates.” Only female date plants give fruits. Judaism God is Male. It could never say, “become feminine.”
One male date plant pollen is used for 100 female plants. So, it simply says “Become that one in 100, and add to a strong genetic pool.”
But no, let’s interpret this as “have as many babies.”
Philosophy of the Religious Texts
What is so fascinating about the religious texts is the amount of wisdom our ancestors left behind, and the smartness with which the messages were encoded, and lateralized.
The Rashmon effect is a style of storytelling that presents several contradictory versions of the same story from different perspectives. Almost every writing of our ancestors till the late 15th century had the same style of presenting an absolute contradiction. Our ancestors did not leave behind any solution, no way of life, but enough clues to search for life itself.
Most of those who left any significant contributions in philosophical, or religious texts were all doers and had near-similar life experiences. There is no such things as scholars or thinkers. One suffers, learns, and implements the learning to come out of the darkness, then leaves behind those learnings for the future. They knew like them, no one can ever discover a path of life(which religion is about), and so they wrote laterally.
From Moses to Buddha, to Veda, to Mohammed, all the journeys are that of asylum, taking care of their people, hunger, death, and suffering.
The debate is not whether Rama existed or not, it is all about walking 14 years in Jungle to discover life.
Even Though We All Know How to Experience God, Why We become Ignorant?
At times we forget one simple principle. We have nothing, we own nothing. iPhone, laptop, every material, silica for all semiconductors, the paper in which money is printed, and the memory stack where digital money is made, every single thing is created out of the resources of this planet.
We come with nothing, we have nothing, we own nothing, and we take away nothing.
We are here to just pass on our genes(which are given to us by our great ancestors) to the next generation. The only reality is genes.
And the more one travels(through life, and not necessarily around the world), the more genes are expressed.
Because we live a life of self-induced ignorance and memory loss, we become more interested in what we have, and how to keep what we have, forgetting the fundamental of religion that ‘religion is a way of life’ and life itself is a journey.
We look for instant gratification and magic, the very same thing every religious text warns us against. Matrix movie had a trilogy, but life unfortunately is only once.
Neither God nor Religion was and is fake or meaningless. But people are more interested in the destination than the journey. For ages, people seek identity without effort.
Just to become Al-Sadiq is hard. To become one in 100 is hard. To put oneself in hunger and death is hard.
Wearing a religious identity fancy dress is easy. Real fancy though is the so-called Athiest “I don’t believe in God,” =>I am a believing brain, not an explorer, dead already.
Readers Thought
Yes the reality is the journey and the journey is really hard because it is ultimately the game of karma but we foolishly believe that we are in the game of destination we strongly assure ourselves of the reward without completing the journey and thus live our whole lives in complete illusion.
Riyaaz Patel