Lyfas Life Care

Stop Worrying, Start Living

Sweeping women’s health under the carpet: Reproductive Metabolic Syndrome.

PCOD/PCOS is “hot money-spinner” now, sold through fear-psychosis. You speak to any ten women, least four of them will tell you that they are under treatment for PCOD/PCOS(Polycystic Overy Disease/Syndrome), others will be afraid.

What is PCOS?

Under stress, the body produces more Cortisol, under the protective physiological mechanisms. Prolonged stress hack Cholesterol to produce more Cortisol, leading to Men producing more Estrogen and females producing more Testosterone(reverse).

Excess TT suppresses the production of female hormones in the ovary. Hence the Menstrual cycle is hacked producing water-filled follicle instead of matured egg.

This results in anovulatory cycles, which don’t contain matured eggs(just shredding of ovary).
Because of normal bleeding, there is no trigger. Continuous anovulatory cycles lead to the polycystic ovary.

Excess fat, mood swing, anger are some of the indicators of this silent disease. She should be relaxed during periods so that the stress is not continued post-period. If she feels stressed post periods too, PCOS risk amplifies.

PCOS is a metabolic syndrome, which is detectable by observation, and curable by simple lifestyle changes.
No need for panic.

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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