Table of Contents
A. What is Meant by Laws and Why do They Matter?
Law is a governing phenomenon of the universe that can be explained via pure science of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, and has been observed to hold true throughout human evolution, can be observed in the animal kingdom, has been observed throughout history, has a boundary condition, and has distinct consequences when they are not followed.
For instance, “every female can become a mother, but males have to complete their way higher in the reproduction pool, and only a limited number of males become fathers.” is a natural law.
- Across the animal kingdom, the phenomenon can be observed(for instance one cock is needed for about 28 hens, and one bull is maintained for about 70 cows, during the mating flight, one out of a hundred male bees get to meet a queen bee, and all males die after the flight).
- Females have XX chromosomes, and Males have XY chromosomes. Genes of X-chromosomes(for instance competence, confidence, courage, patience, focus, and strength) are expressed over the period of life but the X-chromosome genes(such as care, empathy, and feelings) are expressed in both males and females in the early childhood. So the male is born more feminine but has to acquire masculinity as he grows in life. Thus males have to work hard and compete hard to have good Y chromosome genes, to be selected by the females as worthy mating partners. The statement is law because it holds true mathematically.
- Females are high on Negative energy due to more free electrons in their body, as free electrons are needed for more chemical reactions, which are needed for reproduction. As males rise higher in masculinity they start having more Positive potential or energy and need tremendous energy to overcome the feminine negative potential. Therefore the statement can be explained via the law of electronics(physics) and thus law.
- If the law is not followed societal turmoil is created through weak genes, which get wiped out of the genetic pool due to their weak male father’s genes, and slowly such an arrangement of providing an opportunity for every male to become a father without raising higher to masculinity gets destroyed. Marriage is such a social system which is an arrangement rather than a natural selection. Today hardly after 4000 years since marriage was first introduced in Mesopotamia, the divorce or failure rate is touching 50%. The consequence makes the statement a law.
- Throughout human evolution, our immediate ancestors such as Gorillas, Chimpanzees, and Bonobos have fewer male fathers. Gorillas use harem culture where the leader male creates a separate establishment with a female mating partner. In Chimpanzees the leader Alpha male mates the females of the tribe. In Bonobos, which is a feminine society, females choose the worthy males, which are fewer. So the statement is a law because it has been a phenomenon throughout 18 million years of the evolution of the great apes.
- Throughout history, kings, emperors, and conquerors have fathered more children than an average weak potter or peasant. Almost 10% of today’s all Y-chromosomes are linked to Chengize Khan, a 13th-century Mongol conquerer.
Irrespective of the progress of civilization and technological advancement, we carry the same genetic profile, and therefore our evolutionary memory, the inherent genetic memory of the animal kingdom remains the same and always more dominant than the cultural memory that we carry in the genes. Therefore if the cultural practices are not at par with the laws of nature, nature brings such cultural practices to dust with adverse consequences to the species.
Difference between Truth and Laws
A truth differs from laws in a way that a truth is an observed reality that is held over a long timeline from the evolution, and history up till the current time, just like the law, but a truth doesn’t have a punishment and adverse consequence attached to them and doesn’t govern any natural phenomenon.
A law is observed through truth, and truth becomes a law when not accepting the truth results in an adverse consequence, which also can be observed as a timeless truth.
B. Why the Laws of Pregnancy are Important?
Misinformation and Selective and Distorted Truth
We live in a time, where the internet is flooded with information that is based on opinions, feelings, personal observations, or is observed through some funded research, where the observations were biased to see the outcome they were designed and funded for.
Therefore truth is hidden below the piles of misinformation to mislead the average population to believe in falsehood. These misinformation-based false belief systems are created for the benefit of corporations and a handful few powerful people at the top. Because law is universal and timeless, meaning has been observed over millions of years, and across geography, you not yet seeing or witnessing the law and the observable truth of the laws, doesn’t make them non-existent, but rather makes you ignorant about the same.
Critical Threat to Human Race
The reproduction rate of different countries
Today human race is at a critical juncture of time, where economic progress(or the facade of it) has brought down the reproduction rate in many countries below the critical limit of 2.1 per female.
South Korea is at 0.78, Japan is about 1.2, India’s rate has fallen stiffly from 5 to 2.139 per female in only 50 years, Germany is at 1.612, the UK is at 1.753, France is at 1.848, USA 1.784, even China which has been one of the highest population Geography is at 1.705. The critical threshold of reproduction is 2.0 because only females can give birth to babies.
Considering that a man and a woman pair bonds to give birth to and raise babies, iff and only if the female partner gives birth to two healthy children, there is one child per individual, and so when these individuals will become older, there will be fresh pair of legs to take care of them and to run the social engine and productivity.
Several studies have observed that life expectancy is negatively correlated to reproduction. This means that when women give birth to less number of children, they live more, and so do men. This is again a temporal observation, which is neither a truth, nor a law, simply because the fundamental need of any biological life is to {survive, Thrive, Reproduce}, and one can survive longer, only as long as the higher reproduction by others provides them the benefit of the life.

However, if you closely observe the graph, the life expectancy has started falling since 2015 in all the countries where there is no young population to take care of the old generation.
And therefore I am making you aware of the truth and the laws of pregnancy. Be blind about them at your own peril.
C. The Laws of Pregnancy
1. A girl’s body prepares her to become a mother from age 5. What a girl says is irrelevant as she says anything per her feeling. Every girl is born to become a mother.
2. If a girl says I don’t want to become a mother, and you are stupid to buy that silly feeling, you will be her prisoner for life upon whom she would empty all her venom. You will be the villain in her court who has denied her motherhood.
3. A child belongs to society, and nothing else. Parents are caretakers. When one consumes electricity, one benefits from the security that society provides, clean water, sewage, all of these are by young pair of legs. If one claims that I will squeeze the blood of young legs, but won’t give a pair of legs to work in the future, he, she, and they have no place in society.
4. Because the child in the womb belongs to society, even a pregnant girl in the footpath needs to be provided a safe roof.
5. Only crows raise other’s children(Cuckoo). Neither become a Cuckoo, nor a Crow. Both have limited populations, first due to non-parental care, second due to resource distribution to other’s children.
6. When you find yourself in a crow’s situation, walk out. The child still needs to be safe.
7. Women for centuries have taken care of other pregnant ladies even sworn-in enemies and rivals. That’s for the safety of their own children. When one pregnant woman’s baby is harmed, she becomes the most violent animal and suppressed aggression destroys everyone around her.
8. When a woman stays in a family without becoming a mother, every child growing up in that family will lose their ability to reproduce and will suffer mental disorders. NO EXCEPTION.
9. Due to 7 and 8, a girl must be prepared for motherhood; physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, immunologically, spiritually, and philosophically. Pregnancy is not to be planned, it is an outcome of that preparation.
10. In modern times, it may appear that as soon as a girl delivers a baby, she gets the validation and all is good, it is not. If the baby doesn’t suck breast as hard as she genetically knows the baby should, she considers it to be a weak gene and dumps it. The father of that weak gene then is her villain.
11. If a mother hasn’t breastfed her baby for three years, she will destroy the male partner’s life in all possible ways. NO EXCEPTION.
12. Anxiety is one of the prime causes of miscarriage. A woman is in her most vulnerable state during pregnancy and most vicious state after that. Even one word then can cause trauma that may result in a child’s death. If she considers you gave that trauma, then her hatred travels the universe. You will burn even if you never see her.
13. If you forget 12 and make an impulsive call or message, that is your suicide note. (READ THIS 101 TIMES).
Becoming a mother is a woman’s genetic, biological, emotional, and spiritual fulfillment. If you are buying any other narrative, then you are buying cyanide for yourself.
D. Why Pregnancy can not be, and must not be planned
Now that you know(or at least are aware) of the laws of pregnancy, you must be thinking about planning a child. This is another false belief that has been pushing down your throat and brain for the benefit of the system.
Pregnancy must be prepared for and must never be planned
1. Plan by definition is an executive function, which is the phenomenon of the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is rich in Serotonin receptors. Serotonin lowers one’s flight and fight response.
2. Therefore anything that is planned, will have less dopamine modulation, and higher testosterone-regulated muscle, motor, and brain activation. Planning has therefore a predominant phenomenon of Y-chromosome.
3. Whenever a girl has to execute a plan, she has to become androgenic, elevating testosterone and androstenedione, and epinephrine. Testosterone-regulated pathways lower Estrogen, and Androstenedione increases aggression and heart rate.
4. Anxiety is one of the primary causes of high Vaginal Leukocytes that destroys seminal fluid sperms as a foreign body. (If I am anxious, this is not right-that psychological pathway). On the other hand, low Estrogen prevents sperm to cross the cervices. (I feel nothing).
5. For intimacy, her body goes through a cycle of low estrogen(cold)->Oxytocin(attachment and feeling warmth)->heat transfer(estrogen⬆️)->increased desire(epinephrine⬆️)->intercourse->Satisfaction(Serotonin++)->Sleep(GABA⬆️)
Any plan will detach the mother from the child even after birth.