Lyfas Life Care

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Differential Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD)

Do not live in fear of losing the one you love. Take Lyfas to stabilize your relationships, and get rid of low self-love.


A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. Markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self

DSM-5(Diagnostics and Statistical Manual)


1. One of the primary underneath causes of borderline is Abundant Anxiety. For a girl, this starts on and around puberty.

2. Pregnancy often causes CPTSD. So the mother is already under stress while she is raising the kid.

Freud and Carl Jung’s model of Psycho-sexuality:- mother is attached to a son by attraction and to a daughter by repulsion(jealousy), irrespective of how much or how little she loves and cares for her child respectively. They are called Oedipus Syndrome and Electra Complex respectively.

3. So, during the isolation and individualization (age of 1year to 7 years), a daughter needs her father to make her feel safe in separation, and her mother to be stable during integration. The mother ends up dumping her emotional turmoils resulting from post-pregnancy CPTSD is the daughter.

4. Due to the inherent nature of the integrated entity of mother and child, she compensates her CPTSD by dedicating herself to her son(she consumes most negativity), but for her daughter, unknowingly her repulsiveness is reflected by dumping emotions.

5. If the girl’s father is unavailable, either during the isolation-individualization-integration phase or during puberty, she creates a version of herself to protect the child in her. This is the created parent or a “self” to protect the core.

6. This mechanism can handle the absence of a father to a certain degree, but then, it becomes too much. Reality and these imaginary worlds are poles apart.

That’s when switching happens. She becomes strong, manly at one instance deals with the situation, then she feels pain for having to deal with the situation. She wants to become girlish, and then an ideal mother.


7. Up to the age of 22-25, this switching is in the form of mood swings, angry outbursts, sleeplessness, nightmares, extreme anxiety.
So they have:-
a. Renal Hypertension(thus pain in bones, joints, spinal cord, pain in the calf)
b. Many Anemic
v. Very high to very low BP(this is more prevalent:- 90/60)
c. Thyroid disorder( High TSH)
d. PMS and irregular period.


8. From the context, we see that her primary problem arises from disliking her mother, and frustration/vengeance against her father. She firstly becomes neurotic.

9. This Neurotic mostly is triggered by her mother’s CPTSD swings or judgments or her inner depression of a lonely child.

10. Over a long time, after trying various things, when she can’t control her Neurotism, she becomes psychotic. This is when her painful imagination and reality collide, and hopeful imagination is crushed forever.

11. The condition peaks at 30, when the Estrogen cycle fluctuates, her biological clock ticks. After 40, this trauma of Switching between a Mother, a Little Girl, Father drains her energy. That’s when she fatigues and give-up on the “hope”.

Behind this complex psychodynamics and emotional Tsunamis, her mind remains a locked dark well of pain where the childhood stares at the top for a rescue that never comes.


One of the hallmark symptoms of Borderline Personality disorder is irregular periods and progressive PCOS. This is because she has to become like a boy, wants to remain a girl, has to act like a mature mother, craves for her father. Over a period, she gives up on making sense of what is happening to her. Her own emotional Tsunami draws her.

The modern line of diagnosis and treatment is breadth-heavy, mass-protocol oriented. There is no time to travel down the well of enormous depth, at the bottom of which the facts lie. The line of treatment today searches for a magic pill:- Like a Birth Control Pill for PCOS. Post 35-40 leads to PCOD. For Neuroticism, Neurotic drugs(which are nothing but sedatives), and for Psychotic(psychotic drugs).

The constant switching of the personas, ambivalence leading to unimaginable mood swings, lead to severer impulsiveness and addiction Disorder. Many times it becomes an eating disorder. Many get drawn in unprecedented anger and rage, that ultimately progresses as kidney disease or cancer.

Mental and Emotional health is just not keywords. Unless this society starts addressing this pandemic, the repercussion would be tough for the society to handle.

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The Worry

Diagnosed BPD prevalence in the USA is 1.6%, and the lifetime prevalence of a female to become borderline personality disorder is 5.6%. About 9.3% of the Psychiatric OPD patients were found to have this issue. Further, in clinical setup, the Female Male ratio of this disorder has been seen to be 3:1. Considering that an estimate of 197M people in India has mental health issues, and the majority do not seek mental health, it is safe to say that over 150 Million females, that is 1.5 Cr of the female population may have a serious borderline personality disorder.

The national average prevalence of Mental health disorders in India is 73/1000 population. Therefore, the Borderline personality disorder Prevalence is about 7 in 1000 individuals. That is one in every 142 Indians is assumed to have BPD. Extrapolating the female numbers, one out of every 106 females can actually have BPD. It is to be noted that India has less than 10% population who takes the help of mental health professionals. Hence, the prevalence of BPD can very well be 1 in every 10 females.

BPD can never be treated, and can only be managed. Because BPD’s hallmark is unstable relationships, almost 1/10th of Indian females are carrying potentially unstable relationships. Because any high prevalence clinical condition also spread to a healthy individual, and because females are socially more connected, spreading of the same is more serious of a concern. The number then can be 1 in every 3-5 females mild to moderately suffering from BPD(subclinical, but high on the scale).

If you experience extreme relationship anxiety, suicidal thoughts, high degree of self-withdrawal and disassociation, then it is time to get yourself diagnosed and take the necessary measure to manage the condition.

The Lyfas team is specialized in diagnosing and healing BPD cases. They need long-term commitment and special therapeutics strategies, and a passionate long work of nearly 18 months. This needs serious science and human passion to handle and heal the cases. Take our assistance to give your life a chance to live BPD-free.

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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