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Who Created God if God Created The Universe

Who Created God, if God Created the Universe Lyfas Care Philosophy Spirituality A spiritual,psychological, scientific, religious model theory for God, how God was created. How God created the universe. Can we create God? Are we God? Whose God is better, my or yours?

Did the universe create God?

Many studies on psychology have proved that people who are closer to God are happier with life, are more emotionally stable, and are more likely to do good in life. Scientists and technologists, on the other hand, believe that anything that can not be scientifically proven doesn’t exist.

In my previous article on spirituality, “What is God” I argued that God is the cumulative consciousness of the universe and the integrated Quantum energy. In a layman’s language, God is a combination of everything that we can see, feel, touch, and rationalize and also a combination of those possibilities that we have not experienced but are well within a possibility of experience.

That argument though has a flaw. If we use the quantum-psychology argument, then it means:-

No one created God. God got created as the universe grew and changes. God is the cumulative energy of the universe. So, infact universe created God.

But if, the universe created God, then who created the universe? Even many scientists like Stephen Hawkin, who did not have any other answers have said: “God created Universe.” This also goes well with the religious theory of the universe. Every religion wants to believe that God created the universe.

Did God create the universe?

The Big Bang Theory wants us to believe that there was nothing but void at the beginning and God sparked a fire, the matters and antimatters that were binding together got separated, a big explosion happened and the universe got created(some 14 billion years ago). Because the energy required for this separation would be so huge, someone very powerful would have had to do it. So they say God did it.

So, for God to be able to create our universe, he must be outside the universe. Let us call this God’s universe, a super universe, which religions call heaven. It is very well possible that there is a heaven where lives a God, who is so powerful that he created our universe out of a perfect void. Because he is powerful, he can create all these things. It is like his day job.

Who created this powerful God who created the universe?

Here is where religion and science do not want to dig further. No one wants to ask this question because more than who created the universe, the question of who created God is more important.

A philosophical answer to this would be,

Nobody created God. God just got self-created when the energy in abundance got super integrated into an infinitesimal power called God.

But this answer will be uncomfortable for all. Why? Because if God was self-created, he got created out of some energy forms. Who created that energy form? Hence the question will keep getting a recurrence and result in a self-question. So even if God is almighty, there has to be someone mightier than God. Right?

When you go into deep scientific thought, you will find that the only universal law is the law of Homeostasis or Equilibrium. This is a balance, a steady state. No one has to create this law. For anything to exist, that thing has to be in perfect balance with respect to anything that doesn’t exist yet.

A seed on a tabletop is in perfect Equilibrium. Nothing is disturbing it. So, nothing is created. What if you put it in the water? The water atoms and environmental energy now make changes in the seed and roots start coming out. You and your partner are in perfect harmony, two individuals. But when you combine your energy, a family is created. When you combine your biological energy, a baby is created, and so on and so forth.

Now let us go back to a quadrillion light years ago. Nothing exists. Nothing. It is a perfect void in perfect equilibrium. For us to be able to exist today, and for God to exist 14.3 billion years ago, something or someone had to disturb this perfect equilibrium.

Let us call this time and state as a

The Perfect Void in a Perfect Equilibrium

Equilibrium in itself is not a steady phenomenon. It is a dynamic high-energy state. To retain anything, energy is needed. Just because nothing is happening to a seed sitting perfectly on a tabletop doesn’t mean that no energy is needed for nothing to happen. The seed has to resist the force applied by the air.

If you and your wife are living together and no baby is getting created, it simply means that you both have to push energy strong enough to resist you from biologically exchanging your energy. Likewise, even a void has to have internal energy which should try to keep this void forever. Energy doesn’t get created. So where from void gets its internal energy? A void also has billions of independent particles living far enough from each other, maintaining this perfect void.

We need not worry about the internal particles in the void. Because they do not exist in the scientific form. They exist to satisfy the law of homeostasis. If you could enter inside this great void with a microscope you would see thousands of sub-atomic particles and sub-nuclear-particles are moving around. This is a universe in itself. It just needs one random deviation, a minuscule to break this equilibrium.

This great void which is, say billions of universes in size got one subatomic particle got displaced due to a purely random process. Now this will disturb another, which will disturb another. The articles are small and their energy is also too small to create anything. But when a lot of these particles are disturbed due to the first particle’s small distortion, a lot of energy will be created. Many particles will try to freak out, others will come together to resist this. This chain reaction will create two groups within the void, one that tries to hold the void and one that tries to freak out of the void. This process would create unimaginable energy.

If you could see inside this void at this moment, you would see two distinct groups, one is trying to go out and the other is trying to keep them pulled. The one that wants to stay is matters, and the ones that want to leave are antimatter. Let us call this stage a

Perfect Equilibrium between matters and antimatters.

Just as the first sub-atomic particle had little diversion, so could there be some deviation in either of this group. That would have resulted in an explosion of unimaginable intensity which the scientists called a big bang.

God is the Homeostasis, the Equilibrium and the impurity is the creation

Once we accept that once upon a time there was nothing but a void and that a void in itself is a state of equilibrium, it makes it easy to define God.

God is the equilibrium

Because of the fact that equilibrium was the only thing that existed before anything. The minute random impurity in a state of equilibrium when creates a large enough chain reaction of impurity, that becomes a state. When two opposite states go out of equilibrium, new smaller states are created. Many smaller states can combine, and larger states can be disassociated, only to keep this equilibrium. They have to, right? Because equilibrium is God and God needs to exist.

This impurity of randomness can be very well understood from genetic engineering. Parents can pass on only 99.99% of their genetic traits to the baby, making the baby at least a little different from the parent. In the same way a perfect equilibrium is a perfect equilibrium by 99.999999999999999%.

It is now theoretically acceptable if we accept

God is the perfect equilibrium and creation is the impurity in it.

After Big Bang, several subsystems go created. Somewhere in the remaining void, more tussle is going on where more universes may get created in the future or may already exist.

When so many systems get created, each system has to have its equilibrium for existence. These are local God to the system. Each system will affect other systems, even ever so mildly. Thus every system in equilibrium also maintains a 99.99% equilibrium wrt other systems in what appears to be in perfect equilibrium.

Moon is in perfect equilibrium to the earth, but still, it goes away by some distance every year. In millions of years from now, the earth will lose it’s darling moon.

As cumulative equilibrium is the integrated energy in balance and the finite energy unit is known to humans is quantum energy, we can now comprehend God as integrated quantum energy in near-perfect homeostasis. But, each system has a local God, a local equilibrium to maintain and manage that system. The local God creates rules such that the system is stable.

Now, with this model, every philosophy and religious beliefs come to be in a perfect state.

No one created God. God is the equilibrium which always existed.

When do we experience God and when we do not?

Did you ever complain

“God, I have not hurt anyone, I have done all good things, why bad things are happening with me?”

And someone will tell you because “God wants to test you”.

We remember God when certain things in our observable world go out of sync when we don’t experience Homeostasis. Maybe our loved one has left us, maybe we have lost our job etc. We always expect our equilibrium to God to keep things stable. Happiness is the desired state of equilibrium for human consciousness. So when we are happy, we thank God. When we are not, we complain to him.

Can God be created?

Now if we accept that equilibrium is God, and every local system has its own equilibrium or God, we can actually create our own God.

Say, you and your partner are bound by the energy of love. Love is your God. Set of people are collaborating and are in perfect harmony by following a set of beliefs and rituals called religion, then these rituals and beliefs are their God. If you are dying and someone gives you a piece of bread, he is your God. When the company was on the verge of collapse and you got this million dollar deal, you are the God for the company and its people. If a constitution binds an entire country, the constitution is God. If you are giving water to a plant, you are it’s God.

Whatsoever or whomsoever gives us the perfect equilibrium according to our senses is our God. When we create such an equilibrium system, we create God. Once God is created, it takes care of the system.

Does it now make sense why every religion has it’s God?

Does it now make sense why you experience God in your love?

Does it make sense why you experienced God when you saw your baby for the first time?

Why prayer works?

When things are not right, there exists an undesirable state. When you offer prayer to God, seeking a change in this, you concentrate and your heart and mind create a strong energy field. As we have seen from the beginning of the creation that even a small energy deviation can trigger a chain reaction, your prayer when becomes strong enough does the same effect. While praying, you are just creating the desired state of equilibrium from the current state. If a lot of similar energy gets combined, the state changes. The mysticism and rituals in religion make sure that your energy is concentrated for a large enough period of time to create an energy field strong enough to have the power of starting a chain reaction in a system.

God is 99.99% Equilibrium is 99.99% accurate

This model makes everyone(99.99%) appear right. A dictator is right if he feels he is God because he is. Doctors may very well feel that they are like God because they are giving people their desired state, i.e. living. All religions are right when they say

“My religion is better than all other religion”

Totally true, but true only for the followers of that religion. “Only for” is the impurity here.

Therefore some religions want only their religion to exist so that only for can be replaced with All. This desired state is also impure because at least one person in your religion will believe that no, we don’t have to be the only religion.

Those who say, Love is God is also true.

When your lover has dumped you, if you say “God is cruel or God does not exist” is also true (only at that moment, for that instance). If you just won a lottery and thanking God for his existence, that is also true because you are enjoying the fruit of this .001% impurity.

There are many Gods is also true, as we have seen how each subsystem is a God. There is a single God is also true because we have also seen how each God collaborate to keep the main God(the universal equilibrium with 99.99% purity). If you feel that .001% is evil, you are true, if you instead feel it is creation, you are true.

If you feel none of the above is true, even then you are true.

This model just makes everyone happy.

So why do you worry if I see a lord Ganesha with perfect beauty but with little impurity in the head as a manifestation of this model? Why do you worry if a noble soul like Jesus himself had to go through pain? Why do you worry if Durga has 10 hands or if the earth is flat, or it is round?

The 99.99% equilibrium model answers everything from creation to destruction. You can’t debunk this model. And because it always existed, God always existed. Because this will always exist, even when there is no universe, it will exist.


We all know that no one knows what is God. We try to answer this question based on our understanding of the world. Your understanding may be totally different from mine and hence your God may be different. I tried to document my thought process to answer the questions. You don’t have to agree or disagree with this model. If you believe there is a God, which is true, the foundation of belief and the method of it doesn’t matter.

Even if you don’t believe that there is a God, you still believe in God, because in order for something to not exist also there needs to be tremendous internal energy which again takes you to admire the equilibrium.

I summarize my search for God as the following finding.

God is the law of 99.99% equilibrium in any system. No one ever created this law, or God. God existed all the time and will always exist.

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