Erectile dysfunction is a highly publicized and prevalent condition with marked adverse effects on menโs social, emotional, and quality of life. Although several instruments have emerged for assessing erectile dysfunction and its impact on menโs quality of life, none of the existing instruments provide a specific assessment of menโs erectile performance anxiety.
Only 53% of men are unaware while 78% of women in India are aware of ED. Out of this 35% of men and 47% of women believe that stress is the major catalyst. We know how uncomfortable you feel to checkout with a doctor and how afraid you are of being judged and therefore you are suffering in silence. This test is particularly meant to help men to do a self-assessment of their conditions. We are always there with you as an empathetic team to hand-hold you in any such situation.
Erectile dysfunction can be physiological(for example overwork, tiredness, dehydration), or pathological(for example long-standing diabetes), or purely psychological(overthinking, performance anxiety, lack of confidence).
This self-test is a measurement and screening tool for self-assessment for psychological erectile dysfunction, that is what is the effect of your psychology on your erectile dysfunction.
Technical Details
This test was published in the following paper.
Telch MJ and Pujols Y. TheErectile Performance Anxiety Index: Scale development and psychometric properties. J Sex Med2013;10:3019โ3028.
Further testing of the test was performed and published by:-
Michael J. Telch, Ph.D., and Yasisca Pujols, MA, The Erectile Performance Anxiety Index: Scale Development and Psychometric Properties, Laboratory for the Study of Anxiety Disorders, the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
DOI: 10.1111/jsm.12305
The EPA demonstrated excellent internal consistency, with Cronbachโs alpha = 0.93 and excellent test-retestย reliability (r = 0.85) over an average period of 3.5 weeks. Results of exploratory factor analysis revealed a one-factor solution that accounted for 63% of the total variance. Preliminary evidence supports the convergent and discriminant validity of the EPA. Results support the use of the EPA as a reliable, valid, and efficient instrument for the assessment of
erectile performance anxiety.