A. Gallup’s Clifton Q12 Questionnaire Survey
Donald Clifton(1924-2003) is considered the father of strength-based psychology by the American Psychological Association. He and his team undertook one of the largest structured missions in understanding what makes a manager successful. In the quest, they interviewed one million employees and managers across various industries including software, hotel, hospitality, aviation, manufacturing, construction, financial, and so on. Clifton and his team asked hundreds of questions to the one million people they interviewed. They then run sophisticated statistical analysis tools to identify the most important questions and their answers that had the strongest correlation to the success of the organization.
The team finally discovered the only 12 questions that determine the work culture as a whole, and in turn, determine the interpersonal success of the people of the company and the eventual growth and success of the company. This set of 12 questions is called the Q12 employee engagement scale. This to date has the largest organizational culture assessment sample size.
B. Validity and Reliability of the Test
Various studies including one by Brand et. al1Brand, Conrad & Visagieยน, Jan. (2013). Revisiting the Validity and Reliability of the Gallup Workplace Audit in a South African Petrochemical Company. Journal of the Social Sciences. 37(1). 69-79. 10.1080/09718923.2013.11893205. that checked the test in South Africa had a Cronchbase ฮฑ=0.923ย in a sample size of 2588. Therefore this scale can be considered highly reliable.
C. Adaptation of the Survey in this Test
Though there are several scales that measure a range of metrics for organizational culture from employee engagement to employee satisfaction, Gallup’s Q12 scale has still remained a defacto in a reliable Organizational culture measurement. As we are seeing “pink weather” and high layoffs, it becomes important for the workforce to know the type of work environment they are in. The less favorable work environments are the ones that will most likely adapt to the current trend of downsizing teams and replacing human teams with machines.
Changes in the original test
The original questionnaire had five levels in the answers, which is extended to seven answer sets to extend the spectrum of the answers for better classification. We have also introduced five classifications from five-star to one-star organization rather than a binary good/bad classification.ย This classification system is our contribution to the scale.
We have also introduced Pressure and Heart Rate Scales with this test set to help organizations identify if there is any correlation health of their employees and the organization’s culture.
This test is intended for three primary purposes:
- To help individual professional to understand their emotional well-being.
- To help the individual professionals to assess their work environment to help them make a decision on switching.
- Help the employees to assess the quality of their team and the manager.
- Help the managers to obtain the average score from his/her team and realistically assess his/her value to the organization, as their value to the organization depends upon the team’s perception of the organization.
- Help organizations of any scale to collect anonymous scores from employees, and assess its human resource assets.
- Helps the investors assess the organizational culture and make a learned investment decision based on the quality of the culture.
This test is provided as is and completely free. Gallup Press holds the copyright of the test.
D. Conditions to Use this Test
By taking this online free test/survey you agree that:
- No disciplinary actions can be taken on any employees based on the result of the test.
- No appraisal or promotion can be offered to the employees based on this test.
- The employees can not be instructed and/or motivated to select answers.
- The test results can not be used as evidence in court against either the employee or the employer.
- The test results will not be used to malice the organization in either social media, or in private communication.
- ย No money or any other financial rewards can be demanded from any entity from anyone they advise or suggest taking the test.
- The result of this test can not be used for any clinical assessment.
E. Prescribing Medicines
No medicine can be prescribed solely based on the results of this test without a physical examination and implementation of other standard clinical protocols, such as clinically correlating the test results.
F. Disclaimer
This test is provided as-is. Acculi Labs Pvt. Ltd. and Lyfas take no responsibility for the harm arising from taking the test, including Hypochondriasis, mental trauma, and others. The results of this test can not be used as evidence in a court of law. No institutional, legal, or disciplinary actions can be initiated based on the test results. Furthermore, we take no responsibility for the validity and accuracy of the test. This isย an anonymous test, and we do not capture your sensitive data that reveals your identity, including your name, GPS, mobile number, etc. However,ย we log your IP addressย and the final test result(not individual answers).
Please note that no financial reward can be demanded from any patient if this test is prescribed or advised by a clinician. However, the clinician is free to charge for his/her services regarding the interpretation, advice, and therapeutics of the test.
By taking the test, you agree to not hold Acculi Labs Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore and Lyfas are not responsible and liable for any damage or harm.
More Details About Lyfas Clinically Validated Free Online Mental Health Screening and Self-Assessment Tests With Neurocardiometabolic Risk Assessment and Therapeutic Recommendations
What is the objective of taking a self-screening mental health test online?
We know about cars and stars more than we know ourselves. From childhood, people mostly ask us, "what do you want to become," or "what do you do?" but rarely anyone has ever wanted to know who we are. We know very little about ourselves, which is why when we struggle with life and relationships, we do not get the results we expect even after hard work; when people cheat us or betray us, we blame others or our destiny.
- We must always continue to know ourselves.
- The more we know about ourselves, the better we will be able to interact with the world.
- Without knowing our limitations in both qualitative as well as quantitative ways, we can not improve.
- If we do not improve and grow in life, we will always shrink and become ill.
- It is often uncomfortable to discuss our real thoughts, feelings, and insecurities, even with psychologists; we are often unaware of our actual thinking.
- Because our thoughts, feelings, and situations in life change all the time, if you take this test ten times, every time, you may get different results.
- Therefore a self-assessment and screening test is a great way to know yourself and know if there are any problems at the early stage so that you can use the Lyfas recommendation therapeutics to start improving.
- If you keep thinking about a problem and illness, you will always remain ill; however, if you start knowing yourself, you will start growing; once you grow in life, make Lyfas part of your growth journey.
What is Lyfas?
Lyfas Core
is a scalable, affordable, round-the-clock available, accurate, and extensively clinically validated technology suite for screening, diagnosis, home diagnosis, monitoring, differential diagnosis, root cause diagnosis, prognosis, and predictive analysis of your complete mind-body health. This test is a module of the Lyfas core mental health online test suites.
Lyfas Careย
Lyfas care is an affordable home therapeutic solution suite. Conventional healthcare treats your condition and helps you to manage your disease. However, not everyone can afford costly healthcare. Besides, not everyone wants to consume medicines all the time for chronic diseases. Lyfas care combines the best of Modern Greek Medicine, German New Medicine, Ayurveda, German Home Therapeutics, and Indian home therapeutics to provide personalized therapeutics that you can easily follow at your home without any side effects or additional costs. Lyfas care helps you heal from the trauma and start growing in life rather than staying worried about your illness.
Lyfas care is delivered through our extraordinary human network. Because if we are not with other humans when they are struggling in life, then what are we even doing in this world?
What is the difference between Lyfas Online Mental Health Test Instruments and Other Psychometric Tests?
Psychometric tests only help you to qualify and quantify certain mental health conditions.
Lyfas Core Free Online Mental Health Screening and Self-Assessment tests help with the following additional benefits that no other mental health test tools offer you:-
- Explanation of the conditions.
- Predictive analysis based on the scales(how the current condition may progress in the future)
- Correlation to Physiological and Pathological Health.
- Detection of metabolic syndrome associated with the current mental health condition.
- Detection of Autonomic neuropathy.
- Recommendations about other health tests and associated comorbid conditions.
- Simple, easy, proven, side-effectless free home therapeutics.
- Clinical suggestions about which clinicians you should consider visiting.
- Risk assessment; so that you remain careful about the immediate acute health risks.
- Cardiovascular risks associated with your current mental health condition.
Relevance of the test for the test-takers and Individuals
- Knowing thyself better for self-healing.
- Become aware of toxic relationships and take appropriate steps.
- Become aware of codependency and the possibility of being taken advantage of by others.
- Become aware of the possible continuous failure in the profession.
- Become aware of attracting more toxic people in life.
- Become aware of the current and future health risks.
After you are more self-aware and self-conscious, you can take proper decisions about improvement, either through a hybrid approach of your own clinical team in the correlation of Lyfas care, or you may choose to solve the problem as per your judgment.
Data and Privacy
Please refer to our privacy policy We do not share, trade, or sell your data with any other parties. We do not use your data for any promotional or advertising campaign for you or anyone else. You can take the test as an anonymous guest user. However, we highly recommend you create an account with us that helps you track your test results, link other tests, get personalized recommendations, and get notified whenever we post relevant knowledgebases.
You do not have to buy anything when you take Lyfas mental health online self-assessment tests. The tests are free and always will be. However, as a clinical trial, design, validation, coding, and testing is a massive scientific, clinical and technological effort, we would highly appreciate a donation from you towards our research and development so that we can continue to help you to take control back of your life.
This test is provided as-is. Acculi Labs Pvt. Ltd. and Lyfas take no responsibility for the harm arising from taking the test, including Hypochondriasis, thanatophobia, mental trauma, and others. The results of this test can not be used as evidence in a court of law. No institutional, legal, or disciplinary actions can be initiated based on the test results. Furthermore, we take no responsibility for the validity and accuracy of the test. This is adapted from the original Test as cited in the test. This is an anonymous test, and we do not capture your sensitive data that reveals your identity, including your name, GPS, mobile number, etc. However,ย we log your IP addressย and the final test result(not individual answers).
Health conditions change all the time depending upon various aspects of life; therefore, time tests are not true reflections of any health condition. To solve this challenge, we have introduced membership tests. Once you join the site, all your tests will be linked with your user ID. Please note that Lyfas do not share your data with any parties; all the data is encrypted with industry-standard encryption. You can anytime get all your data deleted by generating a delete-data request. Membership enables you to track the changes in the parameters in subsequent tests and helps you to take proper measurements based on the areas that need improvement.
G. Professional Help in Bettering Your Organizational Culture
If your organizational culture is not optimal, and you find suboptimal organizational structure as one of the key hindrances in the growth of your organization, then you can seek our professional help. Our team can work with your HR/management team to develop custom tools and structures for your organization to help it improve its employee engagement as well as organizational culture.
Please feel free to contact us at rupam[dot]iics[at]gmail[dot]com or use the chat option on the left.
Take Validated Online Free Lyfas Self-Assessment Questionnaire Quiz Based Online Organizational Culture Assessment Through Gallup’s Q12 Clifton Employee Engagement Survey.
- 1Brand, Conrad & Visagieยน, Jan. (2013). Revisiting the Validity and Reliability of the Gallup Workplace Audit in a South African Petrochemical Company. Journal of the Social Sciences. 37(1). 69-79. 10.1080/09718923.2013.11893205.