One of the most unexpected articles about startups you would ever read. Take the rollercoaster ride through history, case studies, bloodline, logic to see behind the obvious of the startup scaling...
A. The CC, BC, and VC i) In 1492, Christopher Columbus(CC) reached South America. On the return journey, CC told the natives to give him all their reserved food and grains(he had none). They...
A. Mercenaries Before we understand the concept of employment, let us first talk about Mercenaries, the other system in history that pledged its loyalty based on the money and the wealth...
Solve a Big Problem.Be Obsessed with a ProblemSam Altman School of Intelligents A. No Problem is a "Big Problem," Problems are always personal and small 1. A problem is one that to a brain is a...
The Journey of some modern VCs becoming dumb and stupid 1. In 1958, the Rockefeller family, sitting over tons of money but not the ability to build the next new thing, started hunting for the next...