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Yatha Praja, Tatha Raja: When Stupids Learn from Stupids, you get ChatGPT

A Greek Philosopher is showing a thesis to a Generative ChatGPT Robot who is generating documents. Crowd is following the robot, and some intellect are standing behind the Philosopher

A. 🤖-My ChatGPT Writes

“3 Ways Yoga Benefits Your Health”

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries. It is a form of exercise that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It has been proven to have many health benefits, both physical and mental.

1. Improved Mental Health:

Yoga can also help to improve your mental health. It can help to reduce depression and anxiety and improve your overall mood. It can also help to improve your concentration and focus.

2. Stress Relief:

Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. The combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation can help to relax your body and mind. This can help to reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being.

3. Improved Cardiovascular Health:

Regular practice of yoga can help to improve your cardiovascular health. It can help to lower your blood pressure, improve your heart rate, and reduce your risk of heart disease.


Yoga can help to reduce stress, improve your flexibility and strength, and improve your cardiovascular health. So, if you’re looking for a way to improve your overall health, give yoga a try!

🤖– Blog and Stupidity Ends Here—-

B. The Human Knowledge

✍🏻”3 Ways Yoga Benefits Your Health”


When you lift weight or do exercise, your muscles guide your brain through the motor cortex, and when you try to hold onto a posture like yoga, your brain guides your muscle conduction nerves.

1. Mental Health:

If you suffer from acute stress and anxiety, your brain is already in suboptimal mode and doesn’t have the ability to take decisions without external stimuli. So in a low mood, a movie may give temporary lift, but you would hardly watch a movie when in good mood.

So, Yoga in anxiety would lead to depression, due to excess effort of the brain, leading to dopamine inhibition. Your sugar craving will peak.

2. Stress Relief:

Our stress is handled by the Gut-brain axis, Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal(HPA) axis, Hormone Corticosteroid, Melatonin, and so on. Yoga targets Cardio-Autonomic Homeostasis through Central and Peripheral nerve excitation and increases corticosteroids and neither gut nor HPA.

Cortical-Hypothalamic Integration for stress control is modulated by GABA. If your brain is always active, you don’t have GABA. You will soon become cortisol resistant.

3. Cardiovascular Health:
Yoga stimulates the sympathetic branch of the Autonomic system. If you are hypertensive, a CKD, Fatty Liver, or a heart failure patient, you already have SD. Good luck flooding your heart with Na+.

Now, you decide whether ChatGPT or any generative AI could ever become a substitute for human knowledge and wisdom.

C. The Pros of ChatGPT

1) Thank God, no enterprise will have to hire stupids and copycats anymore. If stupids are to do work, it better be a machine. At least it will not be thinking about what the mother-in-law said yesterday while pretending to be teaching children.

2) Economy will save a lot of money by not wasting them on the low intelligent, workforce. For the first time in the brain jobs, the top won’t have to carry stupids on their shoulders.

3) We will have less and less population toxification through easy loans. Real estate will actually become real, money will have some value.

4) Silly schools playing on parent’s FOMO will close down, the way top education startup is going down like a house of cards. Our children’s brains will not get infected by toxic stupids in the name of “International education.”

5) The best is the bootlickers in the job, who squeezed the talents and grew themselves will be kicked out, never to return again.

6) Fewer school buses, delivery boys, and office buses will reduce traffic as over 70% of the workforce(read lazy workers) won’t be needed, can’t afford to order food and toxic schooling for their innocent children, and will cook and teach.

There is always a brighter side even in the dark.

D. Why ChatGPT Can not Become Intellectual?

“Most works from the US is being mundane.” Even if not technologically, but absolutely intellectually. There is a reason why Rome did not survive, but the Germans did, and there is a reason why people even today prefer to read Aristotle over Marcus Aurelius.

We all know a simple thing. Any data model is simply a statistical Probability, whether you write a convolution network or a simple PCA. The accuracy of any system depends upon the volume of training and weight/statistical significance. You get more data from social networks and blogs. We all know reliability, and we all know even a deep learning/reinforcement learning system’s ability to connect equations to derive a correlation.

Thus, copycats who forked articles for 500/- will get obsolete.

Do such stupid texts even need a watermark? A feel-good text is always copied or rewritten. If a machine can not apply Ohm’s law in conversation, and Faradey’s law in Romance, then it is what it is. Replacement of stupid bootlicking managers. The good thing is it won’t have to sulk.

E. Do we have an issue with morality in ChatGPT?

As Nietzsche said, “Morality is just a weapon of people with lost individuality and group identity to infect others with their raw opinionated ideology, not morality.”

It takes decades of suffering, failure, misery, fighting, losses, struggles, and trying to stand against the wind. That’s how humans gain wisdom. There is always so little we know that even after 30 years of devotion to science, I feel ashamed to even claim that I know science. But stupids call themselves Data Scientists after 7 days of stupid courses, and what is more, not even know that science is philosophy, and data is statistics.

Strangely people don’t even realize what a big joker they appear when someone who has never held a weapon and never navigated a tribe during a migration calls oneself a leader.

When people have no sense of becoming a joker by claiming to be a mentor, leader, thinker, and so on, then any system(children or machine) learning from such joker’s online jokes will be nothing but a joke in itself.

Elon has learned to play with their stupid’s brain and his blind follower’s weaknesses. This circus is all fun. 😂

F. Why ChatGPT Generated AI will still attract a lot of mass?

what is interesting is, if you divide this post into two parts and post the ChatGPT writing and my writing separately as an experiment, you will invariably see 5x more likes and comments in the ChatGPT blog.

That is because it has learned from the same illustrated opinionated population, and its language perfectly resonates with the same population.

Following a crowd, or their leader, either way, it is a down-to-hell. For example in 1498AD in Florence, people started blindly following apocalyptic priest Girolamo Savonarola.

People flooded in to listen to him and followed whatever the priest said. Finally, the same mad crowd watched with their glowing eyes the public hanging of the priest.

Whenever an entity, human, machine, or human-created machine will aspire to rule mass, the same mass will dig the grave of that entity, and will also go down the grave themselves.

G. Why ChatGPT will continue to attract stupids and why we must not complain?

1) There are only three types of humans possible.
a) One with a strong body and a weaker mind, (body controls the mind).
b) One with a strong mind and a weaker body, (the mind controls the body).
c) An ill person who has a weak and sick mind and body.

2) Because energy is limited and fixed, it gets divided in accordance with strength. So, no one CAN’t have both a strong body and mind because then energy will be 50% to them, and still it will be half.

3) A strong body with a weaker mind, like a farmer will not be in internet and get Gyaans, he will be working hard physically.

4) So, people on the internet are the ones with either a stronger mind or a weaker mind with a strong body wanting to make the mind stronger.

5) If 4 is true, then he is stupid and is giving away his strength of body, which will affect his livelihood.

6) If one is already in the brain’s job, searching for a solution of a problem, and unwilling to uplift the knowledge and wants simplicity then he/she is a lazy brain.

7) Only a sick brain is lazy.

8) Sickness kills. Not caring about being killed is stupidity.

9) Stupidity is a group identity.

I love stupids eliminating themselves from human genomes.

H. Why AI will replace opinionated experts, but is still a no replacement for the human brain?

The biology of living beings, humans included is much different than what some corporations want us to believe. There are at least 46 recognized steroids and hormones which coordinate each cell of the body with the executive brain, EB with the cerebellum, and then the cerebellum to the Hippocampus, and Hippocampus to the hypothalamus, processing decisions by incorporating cellular-level memory.

For instance, if you try to put a finger on a glass of hot tea, your finger won’t go in, it will resist. And this signal doesn’t go to the brain, is processed locally.

Analogically, our emotions and hormones are like the horse, and logic is like the leash of the horse.

Rationality is the art of understanding the hormones aka emotions and riding on the back of it, pulling the leash just enough for the horse to be free, and not loose enough for the horse to forget that someone is riding it.

As machines do not have the horse, calling even a golden leash as a revolutionary intelligence itself is stupidity.

Machines are statistical permutations, discontinuous, human brains are continuous, abstract, lateral, integral calculus with -Inf to +Inf.

Hence experts are opinionated. Needs no brain

I. Conclusion

When brain-dead illiterate content creators flood the internet with such stupidity, other stupids consume. Stupidity always kills intelligence, common sense, and eventually life. More data from the 90% stupid population makes ChatGPT bigger stupid, not smart, certainly not intelligent.

J. Reader’s Comments

The way you see things differs on the filter you apply. ChatGpt has the potential to become such filter to polarize thoughts. Say, at least with Google one had the liberty to be selective. It feels amazing to see a tool automating the mundane works related to content creation; not to forget that most of the work being outsourced from the US is mundane.

Though they call themselves open source who is policing them on how they define a context or outliers? Especially with us Asians, we live in a world of values, beliefs, and trust. We are prone to get polarized easily by things we trust the most.

Today ChatGpt views are not conflicting or stereotypical or opinionated rather its definitive and correct to the context. But I think the Content created by ChatGpt should be watermarked.

Kartik Chintalapaty

Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman has shown that human beings are not rational when decisions are made in uncertainty. All relevant information is not carefully evaluated as it takes time and mental effort. Instead, the mind takes shortcut in quick decision making which is based on cognitive biases. This perhaps is the reason for stupidity when decisions are evaluated subsequently with full statistical information. It seems ChatGPT also suffers from human biases.

Leading neurology scientist Antonio Damasio’s has also researched that emotion and feeling are not in opposition to reason but essential to the reasoning process. As you have aptly highlighted, he has also written in his book Desserts’ Error…..’ that’human reason depends on several brain systems, working in tandem at many levels of body and brain.

Rajnish Sinha

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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