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Why you must not rely on social media posts? How Social Media Misleads You? A Case Study

A social media influencer is posting and a magnet coming out of the mobile is pulling likes and smileys from people. A boy is running away with this scene with books in hands.

Here is a social media viral post. In this article, we are going to discuss, why you must not pay attention to social media posts. Why social media posts are misleading? Why very few research, facts, and truths are incorporated in such posts? Why social media posts are targeted toward providing mass validation for false notions to gain virality through shares?

Let’s now break down the pointers in this social media post, and analyze why they are misleading.

📚1) Don’t tell people your plans. 😮

i) If you are not doing something that no one in the planet can do better than you, then you are already sabotaging yourself and undermining your uniqueness.

ii) If a plan can be sabotaged by people, then that is just a fantasy, not a plan.

💡My plan:

I will strip you of your stupidity today, and make you a laughing stock. Sabotage it.
(Are you pointing at plans of robbing, or cheating someone?)

📚2) Don’t tell people your weaknesses😂

i) A weakness is merely our brain’s method to allocate less energy to things we don’t need so that the energy can be allocated to the strength.
ii) So, if people use your weakness against you, then you have not used your strength for you.

💡My weaknesses:
a) I am dyslexic, and can’t make sense of spelling and grammar.
b) I am noise phobic. Phone rings, honking, loud noises, and shouting, makes me afraid.
c) I am a chronic smoker.
(Show balls and use them against me).

📚3) Don’t tell people your failures,🙄

i) Success∝1/Anxiety.
Fear∝ Imagination of Failure.
Failure=> reduction in imagination, and thus fear.

ii) If you are not sharing your failure, then what you are even doing in this world? Everyone wants to be successful. Your success will create envious enemies, not opportunities;

When you share your failure, others in your path learns from them and become your students and followers;

💡My failures:
1. I couldn’t lick VC’s boot and returned our Seed round of 5 Cr.
2. I did not submit my printed PhD thesis.
3. I served thousands of patients in the last 15 years, and saved hundreds of lives, but I couldn’t save my own daughter’s life.
Endless list.

Life is about reality, honesty, truth, trust, acceptance, integrity, not success or failure.

📚4. Don’t tell people your next big move🐒

i) If no one sees a warrior in war, and he waves a bloody sword in a victory march, then people will laugh at the clown.

💡My Moves
i) Employeeless company.
ii) Outcome-driven healthcare.
iii) Medicineless treatment.
iv) Comissionless business.
v) Error-less Diagnosis.
(What’s shocking?)

📚5. Don’t tell people your secrets. 🤡

i) Secrets mean one that you consider morally wrong(and yet have done).
ii) Morality is preserved in Gut Microbiome memory. So secrets cause gut dysbiosis->Anxiety->Metabolic syndrome->Finally cancer.

💡My Secrets
i) I am polygamous.
ii) I am afraid of ghosts and darkness.
iii) I love playing with toys, making dolls,
iv) I still bleed at days from the wounds of my childhood sexual molestation.

It is better to be a fool than stupid.

📚6. Don’t tell people your Income🫡

i) Wondering is living in imagination. Detached from reality is defined as mental health illness.
ii) Mentally ill(misery) attracts misery. So if you have wondered around you, you are by definition mentally ill(not Sick).

💡My Income
i) I earn ₹40k/pm from serving patients. ₹6k goes to 🚬, ₹13k for rent+bills, ₹12k to home minister, ₹5k petrol, ₹3k savings, ₹1k buying toys.


I am amazed by the level of intellect these days and the general level of stupidity. I am surprised by the mental capacity of people and the shamelessness with which they broadcast their stupidity.

All these are pointers to low self-esteem, lack of self-trust, disbelief in one’s own acts, lack of trust for people around us, lack of integrity, and promotion of fake fabricated fantasy.

If you have a problem accepting and sharing your plants, goals, mission, your life, and your pursuits, then look around the people you are with. You are not Einstein and no one cares, no one! Anyone who cares about your income, secrets, life, weakness, and success then you are surrounded by people who are manipulating you and want to squeeze your blood. These people want you to give them good feelings and energy at your expanse.

This means you have already made errors in selecting people in your life. It means you are already a failure in ensuring a healthy social environment for yourself.

These are all insecurities to validate one’s own anxiety, low life, bad circles, and bad choices. These are amygdala-driven brains whose attention span is less than a goldfish.

This is exactly why children must be prevented from consuming such stupidity.

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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