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Shocking Mind Problems of Not Using Mother Tongue

Mother teaching a child in Mother tongue to improve the child's brain development and mental health. Without affinity to mother tongue, the child will be at high risk of autism and autistic spectrum disorder

Mother Tongue Native Mother Tongue.

Mother’s tongue is a dialect continuation that origins of mother’s gene carry.

Genetics of Mother Tongue

The average mutation rate was estimated to be approximately 2.5 x 10(-8) mutations or 175 mutations per diploid genome per generation. So, for any significant change in the cells, it takes about 10 generations. With an average of 50 years/generations, it will take 500 years for cell changes. The brain is much more stable. So, for a stable genetic change, that is around 1000 years.

Genetic Effect of Not Learning Mother Tongue for a Child

So, if a child doesn’t hear the language continuation that ancestors have been using for at least 1000 years, then FOXP2 will be under-expressed. If in between the generations, there was cross-mating with other genotypes, then the rate will be much higher.

Is Hindi Also a Mother Tongue for Non-Hindi Speaking?

Hindi is a continuation of Samskrit, that Origins back to at least 1500 BCE. We have Magadhi texts from 320 BCE. So, that is a good timeline.

Modern English transformed after 700 ADE when the Anglo Saxons got hold of England. Considering the trade route in the past in North India with Greeks, and Romans, our Genes would be more accustomed to early Greek, and Latin than English.

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