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The Fundamental Science of Love! How do Men and Women Experience and Express Love Differently? Why Does Everyone Crave for Love and Yet Find Love Temporary, Delusional, and Elusive?

A man is holding a girl in his arms in the article The Fundamental Science of Love in Lyfas website.

A. How Psychologists have defined love?

love is a sequence of lust, attraction and attachment.

domain of Psychology

It was the psychologists who out of all the scientific disciplines started investigating the subject of love. This is understandable, because in the earlier years of psychology, a majority of the patients were women, and from wealthy families. Love has always been an important and fascinating subject for women. Fiction novels and dramas around the subject of love have always had more female consumers.

A state of intense longing for union with another. Passionate love is a complex functional whole including appraisals or appreciations, subjective feelings, expressions, patterned physiological processes, action tendencies, and instrumental behaviors. Reciprocated love (union with the other) is associated with fulfillment and ecstasy; unrequited love (separation) with emptiness, anxiety, or despair

Hatfield E., Rapson R. L. (1993).1

Hatfield was the first to formally present a framework for love, which kept evolving over the period of time.

B. Type of common love stories

a. Attraction Attachment Love Story:

The essence of the definition of love has remained the same. When you look at someone, you immediately experience psychological and physiological changes. Your desires shot. You immediately believe that this is the person who is the answer to all the loneliness and sadness of my life. I must have this person. You kept looking for this person every day from that moment onwards and started seeing the desired person in your dreams. You finally meet the person. All seems fascinating and great. You immediately experience a connection, and you believe that you have fallen in love.

b. Interaction Attachment Love Story:

In some other variations of the love story, you first spend a lot of time with a person(a colleague, or friend). You experience a connection. You develop super understanding. When you compare your experience of interaction with the rest of the world, vs. the one with this person with whom you find greater connection, you think that this is the person who makes my life easy. Then you propose, and finally you believe that you are in love.

c. Desire driven One-sided love(the engineering college love)

This variation is like the first variation. This is more common in guys than in girls and is predominantly a teenage phenomenon. This being a predominant phenomenon in the guys is understandable because girls get all the attention in their teenage, and the world doesn’t even recognize the existence of a teenage guy(what does he have to offer to the world?)

In this variation, a guy sees a girl, instantly likes the girl, and dreams about the girl, in his dreams he marries the girl and has a family with the girl, but is run rampant by the fear and anxiety of rejection. So he decides that it is better to not tell, and keep the love alive, rather than telling and rejecting and getting crushed. At least in that way, I will have more time, and if my love is real(which of course is not), the girl will recognize some day(which she obviously doesn’t). So this love remains a strong desire.

d. Toxic Love

This is also like desire-driven love, but the difference is that the guy(or the girl), not only harvests the desire in the mind but strongly pursues the desire. The person of desire has no attraction and desire for the desiring person. So the one who “fell” in love starts following and chasing and clinging and begging and threatening the person of desire.

It becomes a battle and the person of desire becomes a trophy. This becomes the goal of the life.

The first variation is intense, which completely transforms you emotionally and physiologically. The experience makes you feel childlike. You think about the person all the time. Your imagination more than your physical reality helps you to strengthen the bond with the person. When you are into someone 24×7, that must be love, right? This is no different in the third, and fourth variations too.

However, the second variation is like “logical love.” The “lovers” convince themselves that this is the best thing for their life, (in reality better than other possibilities of love). Both do a lot of numerical calculations about future prospects and come to the conclusion that they are in love.

C. Love According to Movies and Novels

Yes, like, what is it? Is it desire? Is love just an infatuation? Is love a lust? Is love merely a gut instinct? What is it? Is it psychology, or physiology?

Less than 5% of the population is blessed with rational scientific reasoning. In the teen-age when one’s experience about life is almost nil, and in the age when love is actually experienced, love appears like a strong desire to be around one particular person. Psychologically, love in teenage is like, without this person, my world will be empty, and all my life’s problems will be solved if we both walk together.

In teenage, there is neither any knowledge of psychology(and even if some study psychology, due to lack of experience of life and lack of broader exposure to the complex social fabric of power hierarchy) love is pretty much an illusion, or delusion, or anything that makes a teenager feels alive.

Novels and Movies exploit this market opportunity to push down the throats of teenagers, a love story that is obviously and most commonly one of the four types mentioned above with variations of cast, creed, nationality, age, gender, social status, and blah blah.

So the movies and the novels portray love as:

The purest thing on the planet, the one that makes you feel alive, and that must be the primary pursuits of your life;

Movies, Drama, Novels, Webseries

Well, life is hard, and the world certainly appears harsh particularly in the teenage(and for a majority, for the rest of their life). Fantasy is a good escape from the painful reality of life. Therefore the more fantasy a love story can present to the audience(or the consumer), the more popular the story becomes.

And because the primary dose of understanding of love to the brain comes from the movies and novels, this early trait continues for the rest of the life for most people, whether they are aware of it or not. So for most, love remains a fantasy. (Therefore a lot of love marriages, that were supposed to have a happy life, meet a sad ending of divorce, as the dose of life was fantasy, but the experience of it in real life is completely opposite).

This narrative also supports the movies and novels that have to portray love as something crazy, where the hero or the heroine of the story sees the “soul mate” and instantly falls in love, and then the rest of the story is around being together with the person of “love of first sight.”

What most people do not understand is that movies and novels are created to earn money, by exploiting your desire to escape reality into a fantasy and not to teach about about Love. Because most people get their brains trained with love stories from movies and novels, it often remains a delusional fantasy for them.

Nonetheless, everyone gets kind of some permutation and combination definition of life, which revolves around connection, attachment, attraction, pain, and pleasure. However, it remains a deep-rooted fantasy in most individuals. Those who get their love to the marriage stage need to work hard to keep the marriage. Those who don’t use the love failure as a motivation to grow in life with other false beliefs that once they are successful they will meet the love of their life.

The entire industry is created around the notion of love. Dating, gifting, self-development, psychological counseling, luxury brands like cars(yo baby, the bigger the car, the hotter the gal!!), wedding industry.

When you keep people largely delusional, confused, and fantasized about something so fundamental to life, like love, you can fill the void with consumerism(Like use premium fragment and attract more girls, get slim and attract your dream man)!

D. What Love in Reality is? The Deep Science

Let’s now do what we do best in Lyfas. We do a multidimensional analysis of any subject from the Cosmology, down to the subatomic level, through different domains, so as to minimize the misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the subject.

Today, let us whip the greedy corporates who define love for you as they love the money you will spend for the love that you will be made to believe through marketing to help you find one.

Love can neither be found, nor be attracted, nor be kept, nor be pursued, nor be proposed, nor can be desired, nor can be demanded, nor can be logically assessed and explained, it is a genetically encoded consciousness deeply rooted in every living being of this planet.

Rupam Das

Love is the phenomenon of life. No human ever born on this planet died without seeking love. Love is the core of not only humans but of all living beings across species, more so the developed species like mammals and birds. Something so integral to life, and fundamental to survival couldn’t be anything like the movies and novels, because life is real, movies and novels are not.

So, what movies and novels promote, and the ideology shaped through this, which later attempted to be defined by the psychologists is far from the truth.

E. Understanding the genesis of “Love Emotion” from childbirth

Love is a feeling of “Fear of Death, ” followed by relief of being alive through the attachment of a being!

This is one of the primary emotions that develops in the child right after the birth. When the child tries to come out of the tunnel(the transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life and the transition from the fetus to the newborn), their cortisol surges to its peak2.

The entire birth process is driven by the hormone cortisol, secreted from a small triangle-shaped adrenal gland on the top of the kidneys. Labor pain increases the cortisol in the mother, which due to the endocrinological coupling of mother and baby rises in the baby and the baby starts its journey.

Some effects of cortisol on factors contributing to a normal fetal to newborn transition

  • Lung maturation – anatomy and surfactant
  • Clearance of fetal lung fluid, (cortisol modulated thyroid increase starts the sodium pump that facilitates this process).
  • Increased β receptor density.
  • Gut functional maturation.
  • Maturation of the thyroid axis (Increased T4 to T3 Conversion)
  • Regulate catecholamine release.
  • Control energy substrate metabolism. (Surge in the glucose metabolism)


Cesarean section without labor at term blunts the postnatal rise in cortisol, and the cortisol responses to preterm birth also are attenuated because of unresponsiveness and immaturity of the adrenal gland

Once the baby is born, its physiopathology changes rapidly to adapt to the environment, and glucose, therefore dopamine shoots super-high, whereas Cortisol falls to low levels.

Graph of various hormones in the child during and after the child birth.

We know that cortisol is the stress hormone. Therefore the journey of the fetus towards the extrauterine space is marked by the highest stress experienced by the mother, as well as the baby.

Immediately after the baby is born, if things go well, the baby starts crying, and the baby’s body adapts to the environment. The cry of the baby reaches the mother’s ear and immediately her physiology changes. As the placenta comes out with the birth process, the mother’s hormone Estrogen falls from 2000-3000pgml to about 200pgmal. She experiences relief, and this sudden change coupled with the child’s cry becomes the hormonal snapshot of the event.

(That is why women have a more sensitive hearing sense than men, as they experience the most intense change in their body through the sound of the baby.)

Role of Hormone Oxytocin during the childbirth

The two main physical functions of oxytocin are to stimulate uterine contractions in labor and childbirth and to stimulate contractions of breast tissue to aid in lactation after childbirth. Oxytocin levels in the mother start increasing in the third trimester and reach a peak(300%-400%) during the labor pain. 3

Oxytocin levels were also raised in the cerebrospinal fluid during labor, indicating that oxytocin is released into the brain, as well as into the circulation. Oxytocin released into the brain induces beneficial adaptive effects during birth and postpartum.

As the child is given to the mother, due to the highest levels of Oxytocin in her life, she bonds with the child with no one else, because Oxytocin is our attachment hormone. The same goes for the child.

Subsequently, every time the mother feeds the child, her Oxytocin level rises, increasing the bonding between the mother and the child.

Children born out of the C-section experiences less love in their life because they can handle lower stress due to the lower cortisol cut-off level that occurs during childbirth. Similarly, mothers who are highly androgenic(more testosterone and adrenaline) have lower Oxytocin levels and therefore experience less love. Mothers who do not breastfeed their babies, do not get to experience high levels of Oxytocin, and therefore experience less attachment with the child and the others.

It is due to this complex sequential phenomenon of the rise of cortisol and Oxytocin, followed by the rise of dopamine in the mother and the child, love is the hormonal snapshot in the child throughout the process of childbirth to first breastfeeding.

Because the process of birth is a journey of the child from intrauterine to extrauterine space, and thereafter a pathophysiological change, followed by another experience of calming down of the body of the child, and another experience of sucking the milk of the mother, Love is an emotion, not a feeling.

We can now summarize the emotion of love as the hormonal transition from the extreme stress of near-death experience, to the extreme rise of dopamine levels, followed by extremely high Oxytocin levels.

(An Emotional Joruney of Fear of Death to Relief of Being Alive followed by an Extraordinary Attachment With an Individual during the journey)

Once a woman becomes a mother, she hardly can experience this emotional rollercoaster in any other relationship, including her partner, and therefore more often or not, even the strongest of the attachments between two partners weakens after childbirth.

F. Change of Love in a Man after he becomes a Father

Throughout childbirth, the anxiety of the father reaches to peak. The father is concerned about the safety of the mother and the child. He has to wait for the news. When the father gets to finally see the child, and holds the child in his arms, his Oxytocin levels shoot up, his anxiety falls down, and he experiences a strong hormonal change snapshot(though not as intense as that between the mother and the child). The child’s epinephrine remains high after the birth, which keeps its heart beat higher.

As the father holds the child, his anxiety reduces, and therefore heartbeat reduces. His high Oxytocin levels then attach the child to the father and the child’s heartbeat and epinephrine also come down.

If the child is a daughter, then high epinephrine not only keeps her heart rate higher but also keeps her anxious and afraid even after she sucks milk from the mother. It is only after the father holds her, that she starts experiencing less anxiety. This is another powerful hormonal change for the girl, that marks the end of the hormonal transition.

Therefore, Love for a girl is a transition from extreme fear of death to relief of life but in a super anxious state, followed by reduction of anxiety and heart rate when she is held by a man.

If the child is a male child, by the time the father gets to hold the child, the child’s epinephrine is already reduced, and therefore the child remains strongly attached to the female(mother). However, when the man holds the male child in his arms, this often raises the testosterone in the man. Higher Oxytocin and testosterone increase the Psychology of “Pride” in the man.

Once a man becomes the father of a girl child, the man experiences love as the reduction in his anxiety through a female, and when the man becomes the father of a boy child, he experiences love as an emotion of pride.

A guy seeks to replace his mother through his lover, and seeks motherly love; When he becomes the father of a boy, he seeks love in pride and honor; when he becomes the father of a daughter, he seeks love as anxiety of not seeing the daughterly female, followed by seeing her and holding her again.

So, a man who is not yet a father, seeks motherly woman and motherly love, a man who has become father of a daughter experinces love for the partner whenever his daughter is unwell, and when the man becomes a father of a son, he starts loving his partner as his daughter, but seeks honor and pride.

G. A Woman’s Quest for Love

A girl’s experience of love is through her father, and therefore she seeks a fatherly love. She feels loved and alive whenever she is suffering miserably, feeling dead, feeling super anxious with a very high heart rate, and getting fatherly comfort from her man, who helps her to reduce her heart rate and anxiety, and makes her peaceful.

A man’s experience of love keeps changing throughout his life, but a female’s experience of love is always a fatherly comfort, and her expression of love is always a motherly care. With a girl child, a mother often becomes sibling-like in her psychological space, entangled in sibling rivalry and jealousy(which pioneer of Psychology Carl Jung termed as Electra complex).
On the other hand, the man feels abandoned when a son is born and suffers “loss of mother” and often becomes envious of the son(father of Psychology Sigmund Freud termed this phenomenon as Oedipus complex)

Ever since the beginning of humanity, men have remained largely confused about what women really want. The truth is, that women are more confused about their own selves. The woman needs her man to become son-like, and father-like at the same time. She needs the security and anxiety of the insecurity at the same time. She needs fear of death and relief of comfort at the same time. She needs to experience jealousy from another female and needs exclusivity at the same time.

And YouTubers want you to believe that love is all about 6 figure income, muscles, games, overcoming approach anxiety, and females are hypergamous and blah blah.

Let us not delve deeper into the emotional space of fear, anxiety, satisfaction, and relief to understand love in more practical settings. This is because you are not likely to go on measuring your dopamine and Oxytocin levels on a daily basis.

G. Understanding of Emotional Space of Love

Threat vs. Fear

A threat is a real object that presents a risk to life(like a snake) as fear is an imaginary emotional brain’s predictive visuals, both of which transfer’s brain’s control to the Amygdala of the limbic brain, and make the physiology to fight and flight mode where hormone norepinephrine, and adrenaline increases.

Why Fear is important?

Because a child in the womb doesn’t have any primary sensory data besides some sounds it picks up. So, without the brain creating visuals of fear, adrenaline will never increase and the child will never try to come out of the womb. So, once the labor pain starts, the child starts seeing fearful dreams and pushes hard to come out.
When the child finally comes out, it cries, because the visual dreams and attached scream are both genetically wired. The crying of the child opens up the lungs, which stayed shrunk during pregnancy as the child got Oxygen from the placenta and needed no lungs in the water.


When the mother finally holds the child, the child becomes happy. Note that up to 21 days, the child can not distinguish between dream and reality. During pregnancy, the way the mother sees a dream of a child is the same way the child sees the dream of a mother. Because of the physiological coupling and mirror neurons, the mother’s emotions of satisfaction(which is the hormone serotonin) are translated into the child. So the child feels happy and satisfied.

This satisfaction, transfers the body’s autonomic nervous system, from flight and fight mode to rest-and-recovery mode, releasing a lot of GABA(Gamma Beuteric Acid Hormone), which shuts down the brain, activating Melatonin secretion from pineal glands, and the child falls asleep. Melatonin is also our anti-oxidant network, which removes oxidative stress.

H. Love’s Encoding in the Brain: Dreams and Imagination of Female Love

dreams and imagination of death, followed by an increase of cortisol(stress), followed by satisfaction(serotonin) of seeing mother, followed by happiness(dopamine), followed by closing down of the brain(GABA), followed by sleep(Melatonin), followed by healing(ROS removal by antioxidants), is the first event that is stored as the first memory of the brain. It is noteworthy that a child learns to differentiate reality much later, and so even though the hormonal changes are in the memory, the event is not stored in the brain.

Recall that fear is imaginary. Also, recall that a child can not distinguish between dream state and reality for 21 days. The child tries to correlate the primary women from whom the child sucks milk to the female persona in the dreams.

It is this fact that finding love often remains a fantasy and the love of life remains as the dream person of life. As females are more imaginary than men, their entire love perception is in their imaginary brain.

Therefore the man who can keep a female’s imagination wild can attract the female more. However, the more her imaginary brain runs wild, the higher anxiety she will suffer, and would need a higher comfort in reality, which then needs the practicality of a man rather than a man who drives her imagination crazy.

A man who is imaginary is an anxious man and one who is practical is often a boring man. A man finds it hard to be exciting imaginarily, at the same time practically boring.

Because Oxytocin is also our social hormone, a woman not only needs comfort but also a deep attachment. Therefore the man also has to have tremendous social capital and wealth(a social genius of some sort) to have the Oxytocin levels at a female desire for the bonding of love. However, if a man has to be socially active, then he will have less time for his partner. As the female also needs her father, who gives her the best attention, a socially successful man makes her crave attention, and now the man has to be socially active, as well as providing all the attention to the female and not the social cycle. If the man somehow masters this art also and gives a lot of attention to the partner, now the female needs her son also. So the socially powerful man has to become like a vulnerable small little boy too. But when the man becomes somehow small little boy, the female now needs her husband also, who is friendly to her, not her father or child.

So a man has to become socially weal and socially powerful at the same time, a father and the child of the female at the same time, has to be masculine and feminine(companion) at the same time, has to be rich and broken at the same time, has to be powerful and vulnerable at the same time, has to be comforting and dangerous at the same time.

All the best to the Youtubers and their followers for helping men with love. More luck to the gamers. Yet more luck to the attractive men. All the best to the “so-called successful men.”

I. Sense of Love

Before a man and woman become parents, both the girl and boy’s primary sense of love is visual. Both a girl and a boy look for their dream person. Yo baby, the dreamsellers know this, and therefore the dating apps thrive on looks. Looks and aesthetics are therefore industries that thrive on teenagers and consumers below the age of 30.

If you can appear better than the rest, you have a better chance of attracting the dream person more than the rest.

The male and the female in their twenties and teens, experience love through touch, cuddling, and holding. However female’s desire for companion+father+son+powerful+weak+rich+poor+dangerous+nice still remains.

The dynamic completely changes after the guy and the girl become parents(either a love marriage, no marriage, or an arranged marriage). The female experiences love through hearing, and man through visuals.

(Tell me, how can females maintain their looks after 40, and why wouldn’t they be worried about losing the man after 40?)

(Also tell me, what experience of life does a guy in his twenties have to tell stories that excite the female?)

Once a male and a female become parents, the female experiences love when her man sucks her breast, and the man experiences love when he holds his partner in his arms. All the best holding your partner in the arms and sucking her breast at the same time! Oh and if the female is the mother of a male child, she mostly doesn’t want to get her breasts such by her man as they are for her son irrespective of the son’s age. On the other hand, the man wants to suck the breast more, as he envies his own son. But if the man is considerate about the partner’s feelings and does not suck the breasts, it gives the feeling to the partner of rejection.

All the best sucking and not sucking the breast of the female partner at the same time. And all the best to the female partner for liking and hating her breasts being sucked by her man at the same time.

J. Why we crave for love

So far it is quite obvious that females are born and biologically weird to not be satisfied, and men are born and biologically wired to try to satisfy the females, and both are born to seek love and not have it at the same time. If love is meant to be this confusing, this unsatisfying, this complex, and this no-satisfaction-guaranteed game, then why does everyone chase and crave love?

(Maybe God got envious of the humans and did not encode this genetic knowledge of love, or perhaps he might have encoded this knowledge genetically which systematically was eroded by the marketing of the greedy corporates)! But don’t blame the corporates for screwing love, even Aristotle was confused about love 2400 years back.

Now, let’s pay attention to why everyone dreams, desires, and craves for love.

The childish core of humans

The brain stores daily sensory data in our cortex section. During deep sleep, it pulls out memories from the cerebellum and contextualizes the day’s events, cleans the cortex, and puts back the relevant events after classification and clustering.

It is for this reason that when the brain sees a memory unit of early memory, with intense feelings, but no data, it puts a priority on the hormonal changes that we call love, and look for real-life event that will have a similar hormonal footprint as love. Whenever our stress gets to an extreme level, that is the time the cortisol footprint matches that of the footprint during birth. The associated proximal memories are all that of early childhood.

Therefore when we are under extreme stress, we become childlike and look for love.

Why does our child’s core never find the love it seeks?

Remember, the mother’s Estrogen in pregnancy is about 3000 ng/dl, which falls to 300 ng/dl with the placenta coming out. So the number of feelings(ocean of it), that the mother experiences when she holds the child for the first time, can not be experienced thereafter. So hormone change footprint the child experienced during birth can not ever be experienced. The child experiences love whenever it is hungry and the mother breast-feeds it, but that feeling is not what was like at birth. So, because of an intense hormonal footprint missing sensory data, the brain keeps looking for love.

K. Why men can love far more than women?

Let’s recall how many entities and people this article has hurt so far

Finally something for the interest of the gender warriors, equality warriors, and other warriors. Feminists are already on their toes with breast-feeding stuff you know. Working women have got their agenda for protest “This article is anti-working female. How can we breastfeed?” The Youtubers are already furious. The wedding industry may already be biting its nails. The least bothered would be men so far because we know we are screwed the day we first discovered that no one other than our mothers even knows that we exist.

The child package milk industry, dating apps, and coaches wouldn’t be too happy either. I am sure love story writers have no problem, as no one reads stories these days anyway. Movie makers wouldn’t mind either because there is no love in the movies these days.

I am sure gay men and so-called MGTOW would be happy with the article, “fuck, we were right, we know that females were not worthy of our time.” The aerospace travel industry may be furious as passport bros may stop spending money going to other countries looking for something that is bound to fail.

Young boys who just got a dream job, and are now confident of a good life henceforth will use their college day experience to not pay attention to the article and remain in dreams. Instagrammers may consider paying some money as this is probably the only internet article that does not blame Instagram for failed marriages and relationships.

Do not forget the Indian Gynochologists who have produced a generation of loveless lives with C-sections. (you can squarely blame your negative relatives for putting the mother into so much anxiety of needing a C-section).

YouTube Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Sigma, Delta, and oh yeah baby, the all cool “High-Value Male” coaches and narratives may be already hating this article and me.

But, and it is a big but(not the big butt ok?) I am not satisfied by till I irritate the gender warriors. So gender warriors here is your dose.

It’s science, men can experience love more than women but women can both give and take more love than men(🙈)

Evolutionarily men have gone out to hunt every day, and hunting caused them to encounter death on a daily basis. Then there were wars and natural calamities like the ice age. So, when men came back to the cave in the evening, seeing the tribe and the family, they would get a sense of life.

The reason humans outcompeted all other highly conscious species, including Neanderthals who had larger brains as well as mass, is one simple difference. Human males protected the females and went hunting themselves. So no homosepien female fossils showed any injuries, whereas Neanderthal females had significant injuries in their body like males. Even in other conscious species like Lions, lionesses do the majority of the hunting in the pride.

So, humanity survived because men protected women from danger, but as a downside love reduced in females, and increased in males. But love’s experience isn’t complete without breastfeeding. Remember?

So females are the best producers as well as consumers of love, but even after giving more love, and receiving more love, they can’t experience love even a fraction of the love a man can experience.🤣

So men experinces more love, and so are more jealous of losing love, whereas female give and receive more love and are envious of the men who experinces more love than them.

Stories Attachment and Oxytocin

As love is in reality a hormonal reset, which is super important for the awareness of life itself, as love is reduced in females, another hormone named Oxytocin increases. This is the attachment hormone.
So the females would attach to the male psychophysiology through Oxytocin, and mirroring, and therefore whenever males went out hunting, their fear of death would be experienced by the females from miles away. When the males were late, and many times they did not return, the female fear of death would increase.

Remember, Oxytocin also binds mother and child during breast-feeding. And so when the females would see their men in the evening, they would get the exact same feeling as seeing their children alive, and males would feel childish. This is the key bonding between the males and females.

A man and a female(girl, woman) love is that of a Mother’s physiology of the woman and the child’s physiology of the man. Mother has many children, but a child has only one mother. Guess who will love more?

L. Love in the Time of War and Calamities

Whenever there were natural calamities, war, and other threats(threats: real danger), female fear would super-amplify(like COVID-19 times). Females would then collapse into their infantile state. Infant girls genetically have hero dreams, and when their father holds them they get their Hero’s dream fulfilled. When the danger is large, the female desires her hero, and she prays for the father to rescue her. When the male partner does that, she feels loved. In this form, the high testosterone male fatherly physiology attaches to the high Estrogen daughterly physiology of the females.

You thought our ancestors were crazy to do so many wars? It’s all for the love man!

Why females don’t seem to love anymore after the Covid Pandemic

It is untrue beyond the urban set-up. Come to India, Visit any villages, meet a farmer in the field, and his wife would bring food for him to the farm in the afternoon. Simply sit and look into the glowing eyes of those females. (Even in the Western world the divorce rate is minimal among farmers).

Today males hand their females to WHO, CDC, and Faucci when the COVID opportunity comes. The US has not fought any wars in its homeland for a long long time. If you closely study US divorce statistics, the divorce rate was at an all-time low in 2008, and in the aftermath of 9/11. Srilanka, a country that suffered civil war for over 50 years has one of the lowest divorce rates. India has had historically the lowest divorce rates, because life was hard, and it also suffered militancy. Now that threats are minimal, divorce rates are skyrocketing.

M. Conclusion

Love keeps a man on his toe and a female on everywhere! A man goes to any distance to win the heart, hand, and soul of the girl he loves does everything to win her heart, and does more to keep her heart loving him the same way. A female goes to any distance to experience love.

Doing more for her is love’s experience for the man, whereas fatherly attention and comfort is love’s desire for the females, but giving more is a little bit of experience of love for the females. How can a man spoils a girl by doing more for her, and yet taking more for her to help her to experience life is for the man to figure out. How can females receive more attention from a man and yet experience love by giving more for the females to figure out. (I am very careful about the word choice. Men needs to pay more attention to the words and female needs to feel the words deeper to figure out)

Critically speaking, because love involves the experience of death and extreme stress, one thing is absolutely certain, love blossoms in turmoil and dies in comfort. If you are looking for a settled life and feeling good all the time, you are not going to experience love. So, move away from good life promises if love is something that you understand is the core of life, and watch YouTube if you are confused even after doing so much why you can’t experience or keep your love.

When the brain gets easy food, it seeks easy sex, when the brain gets easy sex, it f**ks itself.

This should help males in particular to know that to experience love, one has to experience death. And without a female intimate partner, you ain’t gonna feel loved, and feel alive. That’s just the science, the rest all are opinions.

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(And you know that this article will be removed from the internet very soon, and you know the obvious reasons)

For the men who want to understand love and its principles more deeply here is the book for you.

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  2. Hillman NH, Kallapur SG, Jobe AH. Physiology of transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life. Clin Perinatol. 2012 Dec;39(4):769-83. doi: 10.1016/j.clp.2012.09.009. PMID: 23164177; PMCID: PMC3504352. ↩︎
  3. Uvnäs-Moberg, K., Ekström-Bergström, A., Berg, M. et al. Maternal plasma levels of oxytocin during physiological childbirth – a systematic review with implications for uterine contractions and central actions of oxytocin. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 19, 285 (2019). ↩︎

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