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How to Generate Revenue and Run a Sustainable Science and Product Startup Without Raising Funds | Zero to Plus Minus Equal to Startup Podcast Episode 9

Zero to Plus Minus Equal To Podcast Episode 9- 6 Ways to Generate Revenue in Early-Stage Science and Product Startup
Zero to Plus Minus Equal To Podcast Episode 9- 6 Ways to Generate Revenue in Early-Stage Science and Product Startup
Zero to Plus Minus Equal to Startup Podcast by Rupam
How to Generate Revenue and Run a Sustainable Science and Product Startup Without Raising Funds | Zero to Plus Minus Equal to Startup Podcast Episode 9

9 of Zero to Plus Minus Equal to : 6 ways to generate revenue for an early-stage science and product startup

1) Bellatrix and Rohan case study.
2) Why nobody funds a science and product startup?
3) Why salaried people can not do science?
4) Startup is about innovation,
5) innovation=invention X commercialization.
6) Invention=Science + Technology?
7) Why science can only be developed incrementally by the salaried mind?
8) Why does developing a product cost no money?
9) Startup product invention must be 1000x better than the previous ones.
10) How to reduce money by working from home?
11) Why not hire when you are building a product startup?
12) Failure Case study of Intel Perceptual Computing.
13) Failure case study of Google One.
14) Microsoft’s failed attempt to copy Canva.
15) How to generate revenue while building the product startups
16) Why you must never start a product startup if you have an EMI to pay?
17) How to generate 50k/month constant revenue?
18) Lyfas case study.
19) What is Mother-in-law-Kitchen Law?
20) Why you can not crack a market even with a well-designed product?

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