Why a boy needs to learn weapons and drill warfare to become a man, whereas every female become a woman? Why men are always either at work or at war? Do men really love war? What are the key reasons for a war? Why can’t men remain in peace? Why there is no peace without a war?
Table of Contents
A. What is a War?
A war is a state of armed conflict between two independent entities such as states or countries. An Arms or weapon is a tool with the potential ability to take the life of another being.
Throughout human history, we have already suffered significantly due to wars and weapons. America destroyed a large population of Japan within a week in 1945 with its use of nuclear weapons in two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Fundamentals of Human Life and Civilization?
Life is a struggle for survival, thriving, and reproduction. Only 11% of the planet’s mass is habitable, and less than 1% of the planet’s entire water source is drinkable water. Even this habitable zone goes through constant geographic, climate, and ecological changes such as volcanic eruptions, drought, flood, landslide, and so on.
Therefore a safe shelter, food, and freshwater governs the prosperity of a species. Humans have further increased the need by adding another critical essential called Energy. Other animals get their energy from the sun. However, as we started building our civilization we needed to work in the nights, even when there was no sun. Therefore we needed to look for energy sources that we can store and use. We had to find energy sources that could give us more energy in a unit of time and space than the sun can provide us. We invented fire, and we had to have the energy sources to keep the fire alive. Coal and Oil have been two important energy sources for us throughout history.
Our civilization also thrives on minerals. We need minerals like Gold, Silver, Aluminum, Copper, Zinc, Iron, and many other such minerals for various purposes starting from construction to building machines, or simply for the sake of using them(like Gold).
Having access to food, water, energy, shelter, and energy today is not enough for any species. It has to also ensure that the same is available tomorrow also and over a significant period of time, at least till the next generation.
Imagine you are living near a lake and the water is gone tomorrow, and there is no water till a rainfall. Can you survive there even if there is enough food? Or Imagine there is a huge deep lake in the middle of a desert. There are no other animals, plants, or other food sources there. Can you survive in the middle of that desert by going there with one day’s bread and butter?
Therefore, we can state that:
The human species has fundamental life goals of {Survive, Thrive, and Reproduction}, and these fundamentals are governed by {shelter, food, energy, water, and mineral} availibility and reserve.
Why do humans have to fight the war?
Therefore the survival of humans is a constant battle to ensure a safe shelter, enough energy, enough food, fresh drinking water, and essential minerals, not only for today but also till our and our children’s life is expected to last. Considering the maximum known age of humans is about 125 years, we want to ensure the essential reserves for at least 250 years.
Because all the essentials of human life and civilization exist in limited amounts, whenever the essential reserves of {food, energy, water, minerals, and shelter} reduce and are insufficient for a group of people for 250 years, they have to forage out, go out in search of the other places where the essential reserves are sufficient(or at least available for few decades).
Assume that ten people including you are struck in a desert.
There is one packet of ten breads and one bottle of drinking water, and your rescue is expected to arrive after six months.
What you are going to do?
Divide the bread packet among all of you and share the one-liter water with all of you?(If you do so, none of these ten people will survive, as the food and the water are insufficient for any of the ten. This can stretch hard for one person.)
So how would you decide, who amongst these ten of you are going to live and who are these nine who are going to die?
This is when you have to battle. All the ten will now be engaged in verbal debate to start with, then a mental battle, and then finally you all would have to resort to a physical battle and eliminate the others if one has to survive.
If one of these ten struck in the desert has a Revolver with 12 rounds of bullet, another one has a knife and the rest eight have no weapons, who are the two who would remain till the end you think? Of course the two men with the weapons. Isn’t it?
And when all the rest are eliminated, what would these two men do? Divide the food. Initially, they will collaborate, but eventually, they both would want to eliminate each other by fighting a war.
War is an instrument through which humans resolve the survivor when there is a limited availability and reserve of the essentials needed for the human life.
History of war
When Sargon the Great(2334 BCE), established the first known empire in recent history in Mesopotamia he used wars and weapons to subjugate the tribes living in pockets of Mesopotamia back then and then connected them with the first modern state machinery.
Romans took the war to a whole new level, where they went out as far as they could to take control over the territories, plunder, and ensure royalty. The Roman army was one of the most organized modern armies with drills, dress, weapons, strategies, formation, and so on.
Long before the city of Rome came into existence in 720 BCE, Mesopotamian states like Akkad, and Babylon battled it out in the wars for more than 1200 years starting from 2400 BCE till about 1178BCE, which was the end of the Bronze Age. Egypt, Persia(currently Iran), Greeks, Anatolia(Turkey), and the early city-states, empires, and civilizations had to constantly battle it out amongst themselves.
Probably more humans have died due to war, than by any other cause or calamities.
Men are either at work;
Men are at war
The history of war goes far back to modern civilization and into evolution. Chimpanzees, one of our close ancestors, are one of the most violent species. One group attacks another group all the time for territorial control.
Not only humans, all the animals including monkeys, lions, and any species need to battle it out when the reserves and availability of the essentials of life are limited. They maintain perfect harmony when the essential resources are plenty and sufficient for ages to come.
B. Why War is villainized today?
Women always have an advantage in competition and war
Now let us go back to the desert condition. Let us assume now that one amongst these ten struck in the desert is a female, a sexy seductive female. How the situation would change now?
It is a no-brainer that the female would convince the man with the firearm that she will provide him the sex if he allows her to survive with him. Because survival, thriving, and reproducing are all the key foundations of life, having reproduction, alongside food is just a bonus, and what more can one ask isn’t it?
So, eventually, the man with the firearm and the woman would survive. If there was one person to live between these two, who would live you think? The man with the firearm?
You have to be stupid to assume that between a man with a firearm, and a woman struck in a desert where only one person can get out, anyone other than the woman will get out. That is because the man will have sex with the woman, the woman will get pregnant and the man would want to survive longer through his child and take his own life.
What if the woman doesn’t get pregnant and they are at a point in time where one of them has to live? It is still going to be the woman. She would either fake her pregnancy or kill the man with the firearm after he fall asleep after the sex.
You see when it comes to survival, it is a myth that powerful men have an edge over the woman. We all are born with one X-chromosome, and the females have two X-chromosomes. We all are born from the womb of the mother. Guess who is going to survive if one human is to survive till the end of the race? It is always going to be a woman.
Therefore, a male-dominated society is a myth, as the final structure of society is always controlled by a female, like our desert thought experiment.
Feminized Societies
Like Chimpanzees, there are other species called Baboons with whom we share more than 95% genetic similarity. Unlike Chimpanzees, who are one of the most violent species on the planet, Baboons are peaceful. They resolve their matters politically. Baboons are a female-dominated society.
Now let us change the desert example, and tweak the plot.
Nine women and one man with a weapon are struck in a desert, where there is food and water for only one person till the rescue arrives. Who you think will survive till the end and how?
Do you think the man will take out the gun and kill all the women to live till the end?
You have to be on some kind of high-quality cocaine to even imagine that a man will get out of the desert even when he is powerful. The sexiest and the most seductive woman will seduce the man and will ask him to eliminate all her competitors, that is other women, to finally survive with her man. She will have sex in exchange for not dying, and then we will have the same fate and ending as in the first case.
So who killed the women? Who tortured the women? Who was merciless to other women? Of course, it was a man! Or was he?
When women are competing against other women, they select the physically stronger man and use him to eliminate the other competing women.
Let us again change the thought experiment and see another scenario in the desert.
Let’s assume nine women and a man with a firearm are struck in a desert where there is sufficient food and water for ten people till the rescue comes. Who you think will go out of this desert alive?
Even when there is enough availability and reserve for all nine women and the single man to survive in the desert till the rescue comes, not all will survive. Because even though there are enough resources, and there is a promise of a rescue coming in time, everyone will think “What if the rescue doesn’t come in time?” Because the man has the firearm, he knows that if such a situation arrives, he can shoot the rest and save their part of food to survive longer(or that’s what he initially thinks).
Each of the nine women considers the possibility of no rescue coming soon. Even when there is a surety of a rescue, they are genetically wired to think about the worst possible scenario in life. Each of these women knows that the man will most likely kill all of them or one of them would seduce the man and get the others eliminated.
So what would happen next? The women would talk about peace. They will form a group(because women are socially far more intelligent and superior than a man). They all will share the man in exchange for not getting killed and will talk about peace all along. Each one of the women would try to win the heart of the man in the bed so that should the time arise, the man can be used to eliminate the others.
Let’s now alter the thought experiment and consider that there are nine men with a firearm, and a woman struck in a desert with sufficient food and water for all ten, till the rescue arrives. Who do you think will go out of the desert when the rescue arrives?
Again you have to be out of your mind if you think that the woman with sleep with all the men and they all will get out. The men will think that there is enough food for all. But the women will think “What if the rescue doesn’t arrive in time, and what if I get pregnant and give birth to a twin?” She will propose peace between the men and will convince each to be at peace and will sleep with each one of them. She will then figure out the strongest of these men, seduce him and get the others eliminated.
Because women are apprehensive about the future, and they are never convinced that they have enough reserve for the future for themselves and their children(or future children), they will always be on the mission of ensuring that resources are reserved for them and future children. Even when there is no chance of food, energy, water, or shelter shortage, and even when there is no competition, women would always be imagining a future bad event and would always be in a mission to have access to the reserves.
Thus, when society is male-dominated, the men will be at war because the females will choose the most powerful men, and when the society is female-dominated, peace will be preached till the females find out and seduce the most powerful man so that when the time comes, the man can be used for eliminating the competition.
In the game of the survival, men are always the pawns in the hands of the women, and men are always at war because women are always at the fear of competition
Today urban societies preach peace because women have fair control over the social and state machinery today. If you have carefully read this article till this point, you already know that talks of such peace are mere tools to keep men in good humor when war is not needed and keep the ignorant men at the lower end of the survival possibility when the difficult time comes.
And if you have not read the article carefully yet, then you are already putting yourself at a survival risk. It is a hilarious situation to even imagine that men have to be taught what women know by their genes, and even then men can not learn, because every knowledge goes for a toss when women take control of the situation, and they are always in control of the situation.
C. Indian and African History of War and Peace
The thought experiment that we are continuing in this article with different possibilities might have already started making you sick. In all likelihood, many of you might have already rejected the presented possible outcome as “I don’t accept/believe” because men have always been naive and dumb. Men think they are the powerful ones, they are the ones who control the outcome of an event. Men think that they own the resources.
African and Arabian History
It is this naiveness that has led slavery of men in history.
Africans natives have largely been peaceful. This is because Africa is the home ground of modern humans. There is plenty of fresh water, plenty of jungle, ocean for seafood, sun for energy, minerals, plenty of fertile lands along the rivers for agriculture, plenty of jungle animals to feast on, and so there is plenty of availability of the essentials {food, energy, shelter, minerals} to support {survive, thrive, reproduce} for generations to come.On the other hand, their close neighbors, the Arabs have a hard life, with limited water, limited food, and limited habitable land due to acres of empty desert, (but a lot of energy in the modern time in the form of oil, which was nonexistent in the past when coal was the main fuel)
Therefore African men did not have to be at war all the time, whereas the Arabians had to be at war all the time. And you don’t have to guess as you already know the history that Arabs and all other lands where essential reserves have been limited, and men have been in war have enslaved the Africans from milleniums.
Indian History
Just like the land of Africa, India has also been rich in natural resources, water, land, shelter, jungle, mountain, oceans, agricultural land, and minerals. Therefore Indians never had to be at war. Indians and Africans are undoubtedly the most peaceful geographies in modern history, with Nelson Mandela and Mohandas Gandhi being the two role models of peace, belonging to Africa and India respectively.
The difference between the two countries is that India had several migrations over the centuries from Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Arabia, and even Greece. When outsiders came to India, they established themselves over here and they knew that they are and will always be at war. From around 800 BCE, since the time a literal history has been started to get documented in India, we had 16 Janapaths(states). Each of the states will go into annual war which were non-lethal, and the armies of the two states will fight like a natural war, but without serious attempts to kill the enemy. The losing Ganapathy would pay taxes to the winning janapath. Sword and weapon training, and martial arts, have been an integral part of Indian societies, because Indian genes are an admixture of people from as far as remote Iraq, Iran, and Armenia.
Therefore whenever foreigners came to invade India, they faced massive opposition, resistance, and wars as the native population always practiced warfare and did war drilling for centuries. Not that India hasn’t suffered casualties, or devastation by the foreign invasion, but India couldn’t be turned into a slave market as was Africa.
The very reason Britishers could rule India was that Indians were so complacent about their victories over the Mughals(by Shivaji’s Marathas), then defending against the Portugal, Dutch, and French and limiting them to restricted areas, that when Britishers came, they could simply use that complacency, and divide and rule to get the control of the mainland.
Karamchand Gandhi talked about peace because it was obvious that India was not war-ready. Indian mutiny of 1857 was the final nail in the coffin of that war’s unreadiness which firmly set the foot of the British Raj in India. Many in India hate Mr. Gandhi, as they think that Gandhi was just a British stooge who propagated the British agenda of peace. The reality is a male population not ready for war couldn’t take on British firepower. So Gandhi’s peace talks kept the casualties low in India while providing enough time for the Punjab, Maharashtra, and Bengal to prepare for the battle.
Subhash Chandra Bose, the epitome of the Indian armed freedom fight could flee from India under the nose of the British Raj to Germany, meet Hitler, and formed Indian National Army(INA) because the Britishers were busy dealing with the peace movement of Gandhi and they neither anticipated nor were ready for an Indian freedom fighter to go to a foreign land and build an army to take on the British. It was in fact Bose who addressed Gandhi as “Mahatma”(saint) in one of his radio addresses.
Even though INA got defeated and surrendered in 1945 after Japan surrendered in the second world war after their backbone was broken by America through two nuclear explosions, the British parliament accepted that the key reason they had to leave India was due to INA and the army mutiny caused by the call of INA.
Gandhi talked about peace, the British remained pacified, and Bose prepared for the war, but the British were unprepared, Gandhi supported the British in the world war so that Indian forces fight for the British in the world war so that Bose could work with the captured Indian soldiers. (Nobody expected America to join the war, and no one back then expected Hitler’s well-oiled, well-drilled, pure blood-line Army to lose the second world war against the British and allied forces that comprised of soldiers from different countries under their control, who were merely mercenaries.
Gandhi and Mandela with their peace talks, and peace movements had made peaceful protests such a fashion, and more so such a popular fashion amongst the Western-educated public, that even an Anglo-Saxon aggressive British native rules had tamed down the muscle force. Because it was non-violence after all. And this fashion of non-violence and peace was loved by the post-victorian educated Western population. When natives are at peace, why torture them with muscle power?
Over a hundred countries got their independence after world war II, including the Jews whom Hitler persecuted, due to Hitler, and because of the fact that Hitler prepared for the war for over twenty years, whereas the French and British were living in their fantasy land of peace.
From the Indo-African History, and the way Mandela, Gandhi, and Hitler combining broke the backbone of imperialism, it is easy for you to understand that peace is also a tool for the war, because it allows the weaker group to prepare for the war against the stronger group, and tame down the stronger group through fantasy of peace.
D. Why war and peace go hand in hand
Only powerful talks about peace as peace is part of the war
British would have given two hoods about M. K. Gandhi had Indians did not have Tulwar(a sword) as part of the culture, a vibrant history of war, and there were enough warriors in Rajasthan, Bengal, Bihar, Punjab, and Maharashtra. If the Britishers did not promote and encouraged Gandhi, they would have been fighting a world war every day in India.
On January 22, 1879, in the Battle of Isandlwana, a native Zulu army of 20,000 warriors attacked the British forces of 1300 officers and 500 locals, all equipped with firearms, enveloped them, encircled them, and in spite of having primitive weapons, killed the entire British army in a decisive Zulu victory. The war was fought just after eleven days from when the British invaded the Zululand in the southern Africa.
If the British had not had to fight many such battles, which eventually they won in the mainland of Africa, nobody would have known Nelson Mandela’s name today.
Therefore war and peace go hand in hand. The way we saw our desert experiment did not have any casualties as long as a decisive victory was not ensured, or as long as a decisive victory was not needed,
No one pays attention to peace if they are not afraid of the war, and no war is fought if there is not eventual peace at the end of the war.
E. Why men should get weapon and war training, learn war strategies, practice, and drill wars?
Women are genetically wired to be war-conscious, and men are willfully ignorant about the war
With 11% habitable land, which is becoming inhospitable and inhabitable by each passing day, and less than 1% of drinking water, the human race is always in competition for enough available and reserved resources. Put every woman’s insecurities about the future and their genetic traits of ensuring a reserve for their future into the equation, and there is already an undercurrent of war all the time. Humans always were, always are, and always will be at war.
As we learned that even though peace is a tool of war, all the other mechanics, such as negotiation, association, collaboration, cooperation, invasion, exude, evasion, education, and virtually anything and everything you see around yourself are merely different tools of the war. If you do not understand the dynamic of the war, do not accept the underneath war, or do not want to believe in a war, then that is your ignorance and problem, and your belief doesn’t increase the habitable land on the planet from 11% to 15%.
Because business, cooperation, politics, education, technology, trade, negotiation, and peace, everything is one way or the other tools of the war, and because not everything appears as war as they were designed to hide the war dynamics from most people to put them in an unfair disadvantage of ignorance when the actual war finally break out, war is not always literal.
If education is a tool to make war look bad and peace good, and if peace is a tool for war, then education also is a lateral tool for war. If the very foundation that gives you the sense of being civilized is also a war tool, then everything else you see, observe and experience around you are tools of the war. And whether it is desert, or it is war, women would always control the eventual outcome.
Ignorance is overcome by knowledge and practice
That is why armed training, warfare practice, and reading war manual is mandatory for men. Weapons and war are not always literal. Weapons are to be understood laterally.
In modern times, we have too many guys who have never held a weapon in their life, have never performed war drills, have not understood the very notion of battles, and so are unaware of the whole notion of weapons, war, and battles.
Life is hard.
If one doesn’t wake up worrying about food, energy, water, shelter, survival, thriving, and reproduction then one needs to worry that something is wrong with life.
Good times and comfort are facades. Life is meant to be a battle to survive, thrive, and reproduce every single day. When you wake up, and if you find that you have enough water reserve, enough financial reserve, enough energy, and food, and have shelter, then know this without any assumption that you are that desert man with the gun, who is still alive because the time hasn’t yet come for the women to eliminate you. The very fact that you are not worried must make you worry. The very fact that you appear to be settled must make you nervous and unsettled. The very fact that you think you are well off must make you worry about the undercurrent of the war.
Because irrespective of the permutations and combinations of problems of life, or even no problems of life, a woman holds the key to escape the desert, and a man’s outside chance of survival is to be the most powerful man in the desert whom she considers worthy enough of the war when that eventually happens, your best bet to be alive is to be war-ready. And if you are alive, and selected by a woman in the desert, then you obviously are the one who is also going to get the reproductive privilege.
F. Every girl becomes a woman, but very few boys become a man
Every female can bear a child, and becomes a mother. Genes in X-chromosomes have remained unchanged to 95% for last 6 million years. However, the Y-Chromosome masculine genes have reduced to 12% of their actual genes from 70,000 years back. Therefore femininity has remained the same, but the masculinity has fallen consistently over the progress of human evolution, and then civilization till the current point.
A man is a protector and a provider. As we are always at war, both literally, and laterally, because food, shelter, water, and energy are shrinking all the time, only a male with superior understanding of the war dynamics, weaponary, brain, power, understing a situation would be able to survive the battles in the desert and come out alive, and the man will always take the family out of the desert. Females would always chose the powerful men whenever there is a war, and will always be in search of the powerful men when there is no war.
Because females are the chosers, and men are the chosen one, a boy has to go through serious war training, warfare drilling, acquire knoledge, struggle hard in life, push away a comfort zone, assume to be in the desert in the middle of the war, takes control of the life and the situation to become a man, the protector, the provider and the chosen ones.
If any youngstars are reading this piece, then dedicate your life’s journey towards masculinity.
If you want to get a deep-rooted understanding of the path to masculinity, then read the book Intimacy Laws for men. From the education, to the entertainment, to the facade of the good world is given to you just so you remain in the belief system when powerful men prepares for the war.
G. Conclusion
Any woman can deliver a baby, but to become a mother, it is a lifetime pursuit. In the same way, a man has to battle it hard every day to provide, protect the family, and keep the family intact. It is life. The relationship is an everyday battle because if it is not, the battle will be outside the relationship.
Weapon training and war drills under tough men are mandatory for the guys to deal with life to a degree.
One who has to earn a bullet will never shoot if it is not point blank, and the insurgents who get bullets for free will never care to aim!
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For the men who want to understand love and its principles more deeply here is the book for you.
In the desert, the man with the arm would always have the benefit. Today we are living in a desert where the actual knowledge is concealed carefully. Imagine if a gun was hidden in the desert, who would have come out of the desert? Obviously, the man with the brain would know how to find the gun. And that man would have always kept the gun with himself? Or do you think that man would just “bookmark the gun?”
If this article is such a tool that has given you an awareness of reality, the consciousness of the duties, a sense of the truth, and if you are still worried about the one $, then you are like that man who would get killed in the desert because he wants to save his bullets.