Table of Contents
The Fall of Relationships in the US
Recently, a Senior US science professor had to include Dating assignments for his students. The young students did not know how to be together, how or why to be with people, and couldn’t tolerate others’ company.
45% of the US population has never had a relationship in their entire life. Friends are declining every day. We have less than 1 friend /individual for the first time in history, and for the majority, it is 0 after 35, besides some virtual “feel-good” relationships.
A vast majority of those who are married or are in some kind of relationship are singles within the relationships.
Malignancy and Individualism
Malignancy is a life-threatening progressive actue disease, that grows within a host body, and grows very fast by consuming the resources of the host body and denying the host body of its resources to slowly put the body starve by death.
Individualism is all about “I, me, myself.” Often people misunderstand selfishness from self-awareness and self-esteem. Examples of individualism are:-
- I am Ph.D. and a doctorate in Robotic intelligence.
- I deserve more money than I am making.
- Many less intelligent people are making more money than me.
- My boss is bad, I work so hard, but he never recognizes me.
- My parents did not do their duty well. If they had done their duty well, I wouldn’t have been suffering.
- I am earning good and deserve a good bride/groom.
- I have a car.
- I want to secure a good job.
- I must switch jobs now because I am not getting as much as I deserve.
- My love for my partner is so pure, but my partner doesn’t love me.
- I have an idea that can change the world. VCs will jump for joy when I present them with the idea and they will immediately want to fund me.
- Whatever I am doing, I am doing for my family. I am giving them good life; I am squeezing my blood for them.
- I have given my child the best opportunities possible.
- Please don’t hurt me.
- Respect me.
- Love me.
- Be with me because you will not get another nice person like me.
- I look at myself now and feel proud of the amount of growth I have achieved.
The above lines of thoughts are individualism. Individualism is one where one starts thinking of oneself isolated from the world and considers that he or she is the one who is giving to the world, without the world giving them anything in return. Observe the use of “I”, or “me”, or “”, “myself.”
Malignant Individualism
individualism is thinking about oneself, and deriving a self-perception from the current feelings. For instance, if one is earning more money than his peers at this moment, he would feel proud and more satisfied and would consider himself to be successful and attribute the success to his hard work.
However, when the same person goes to live in a neighborhood where all other neighbors are financially richer than him, then he would feel that if only his parents had given him what he would deserve as a child, then he wouldn’t have been a failure. He too would be as rich as his parents.
One of the hallmarks of individualism is to compare, complain, and criticize, coupled with envy, jealousy, and greed. They become part of the core character, and not just personality, and the thoughts and feelings create a chain of negative thoughts and negative energy that preoccupies the brain all the time.
As the days go by, such thoughts and feelings keep growing and interlinking all the other thoughts and feelings, and the body is denied of the energy, as all the energy is consumed by negative individualism and self-centric thoughts.
We already learned that malignancy is a fast growth of an entity within the body that starves the body of energy and other resources, to finally take down the body, like cancer. As individualism thought+feelings+perception grow, they become a strong mental entity in themselves. And then this entity which is individualism grows out of proportion, slowly but surely, day by day, bit by bit.
On the next page, we shall understand the science behind the increase of this mental faculty of malignant individualism.
The Science behind Malignant Individualism
Oxytocin is our social hormone.
Without intimacy with work, intimacy with friends, parents, children, and intimacy with colleagues, Oxytocin depletes and then finally vanishes.
Oxytocin is fundamental for childbirth. Hence pregnant are(or were) given Oxytocin through IV before delivery. Because there is no Oxytocin now, normal delivery is almost impossible.
Oxytocin modulates Melatonin, which again creates a chain of anti-oxidant networks, besides modulating sleep. So, the body is now exposed to terrible RoS, without protection, and sleep is a thing of the past.
A female is high on Estrogen(or was), and a man in Testosterone(or was). Man still has far higher Cortisol reserve. When male friends touch each other intimately, they get oxytocin. When a male and female become intimate, the male gets higher parasympathetic from the female, and females get more energy by getting higher sympathetic from men. Besides, the two get elevated Oxytocin.
Current Social Construct
1. Females focus up to the age of 35 on jobs and careers and casual sex, and men seek relationships.
2. Then females want to settle down(81%), but less than 40% of men are ready to emotionally invest(the tables turn).
3. So, people find escapism:-
- a) Pets
- b) Creativity(everyone has become a creator now. Creativity as an escape from loneliness is a compulsive pathology and a major psychotic disorder)
- c) Magical thinking:- I have chosen this loneliness, it makes me feel good. I am God-like(Narcissism doctrine).
- d) Rituals:- Make tea, watch Netflix, order food, log in to virtual work, slog, end day, order food, Netflix. Phew, no one is needed.
- e) Disjoincy:- No continuation, no goal, no theme, no connection to self, changing profession, relationship, place, interests, hobbies.
You think soon dust will settle, and you will be in a relationship of life, but alas that never happens because you lost hormones and skills.
After the age of 40
Wait for death, suffer every day, cancer, anxiety, depression, psychotic disorder, insomnia, completely screwed liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
Write some self-validation posts on social networks about how you are so happy having chosen your slow death.
Having understood what is malignant individualism and why a large proportion of society is suffering from this untreatable cancer, let us understand on the next page what is pathological lonliness and why individualism is leading to loneliness.
What is Pathological loneliness?
Pathology is a measurable state of the structure of the organs and a quantified current state of the body. Any condition of the body that has caused a pathological change in the body(ie structural change in the body by changing the structure of certain parts of an organ or multiple organs) that results in the functioning of the body which is stressful for the body.
Loneliness is of course lack of any meaningful relationships in life and finding oneself alone, on the mercy and company of malignant individualism.
Because malignant individualism is a mental faculty, and it is a mental faculty that exists in our limbic brain, more specifically the basal ganglia section of the brain, which is also our habit brain, other parts of the brain get less energy, and the grey matter in those parts dies, resulting in shrinking of the brain that is called brain atrophy.
Why does Brain Atrophy Cause Loneliness?
Once the limbic brain, which is common in all mammals and is similar to monkeys and Chimpanzees, starts consuming more and more energy, the prefrontal cortex part of the brain starts shrinking. The prefrontal cortex in humans is the part of the brain that has got developed over the last two million years, that separates humans from other animals.
This is our executive brain, which gives us the consciousness, and executive ability to think, rationalize, take complex decisions, analyze, understand, intellectualize, theorize, and evaluate the sensory information using such complex fundamentals to finally empathize.
It is empathy, that gives humans the extraordinary ability to socialize and create a meaningful relationships with an extraordinary number of other humans. Because the part of the brain that makes us human is shrinking, our ability to socialize is also decreasing, and that is the core reason why social anxiety is increasing, and people are getting more lonely.
If you have reached this point, then you will not suffer from Alzheimer’s ever. Because you were looking for truth and deeper understanding and not seeking validation. Because you could read through the entire article and reach this point, your brain still has its executive function.
This article in reality was a self-assessment test for you to become aware of the gift of your brain, and your superiority in terms of mental capacity. You will become successful in your life and career, because of this superiority of investing time and brain’s energy in deep philosophy and science, rather than scrolling and quick 10-second information.
Do you want to test our predictive diagnosis so that you will be successful and will not have Alzheimer’s or dementia? And also that you will not suffer from malignant individualism?
1. First Create a membership account on the site
2. Take your self-assessment free Validated test to check for your future success
You will realize quantitatively that you are already on the course of becoming successful, not due to your luck, but because you nurtured a brain that is much better than the average population.
Go to the next page if you have completed your self-test for real wisdom.
The difference between self-awareness and selfishness is the readiness of an individual to quantitatively see and analyze one’s life and learn. You are now self-aware. Think about this article today, and you will feel an extreme inner satisfaction today, and you will get a great sleep.
REM sleep produces Serotonin and vice versa. Serotonin is our awareness and consciousness hormone. Now that you have understood that you are more self-aware than the general population, your pursuit would be to become more conscious than others and transform your awareness into consciousness.
Please tell us how accurate we were in our diagnosis and therapeutics recommendation.
Thank you for investing your time, energy, emotions, and intellect in reading, and understanding, this article, and your pursuit to become more self-aware to take back control of your life.
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